N18 House of Iron (General discussion)

Can you send a picture on it? Such an important clarification ought to be in the FAQ..

I roll d12s and divide by 2 so I don't worry too much about natural 1s
It's not the fact that someone might (have read the rules properly, and therefore) play or interperet them the way GW have intended the game be played. It's just the daftness of GW suggesting that D6 should be used to proxy D3 then ignoring the definitive property of a D3 that baffles me. As @ntw3001 is poking fun at here.

Why didn't they just use a table!? No confusion whatsoever!

Roll D6:
1. Malfunction
2. 1"
3-4. 2"
5-6. 3"
Why didn't they just use a table!? No confusion whatsoever!

Roll D6:
1. Malfunction
2. 1"
3-4. 2"
5-6. 3"
Or even the Firepower dice, which has 1,2,3 on it and a 1 with a fail next to it.

Though there may be 3 “2”s. Can’t remember now.
A natural 1 is a natural 1, nothing has changed.
That’s actually fascinating that gw had to clarify this in the latest AW rulebook
Mathematically a natural 1 on a D3 is 1/3 chance. But of course GW had to do this in a non-mathematical way... And as you know the community was divided on this topic, and both sides couldn't imagine how the other could see it differently. It simply isn't a D3 if you use natural 1 on a D6.
Roll D6:
1. Malfunction
2. 1"
3-4. 2"
5-6. 3"
Yeah it's a D4 with skewed distribution :cool:
Or even the Firepower dice, which has 1,2,3 on it and a 1 with a fail next to it.

Though there may be 3 “2”s. Can’t remember now.
Yeah it has same amount of outcomes (4), but different distribution.
It simply isn't a D3 if you use natural 1 on a D6.
That’s their fault for using “D3” as a shorthand. Then they made it overly complicated by halving then rounding up. @Spenetrator is correct that a table is what they should’ve used but the whole “natural 1” is a cleaner solution provided you don’t get someone hooked up on “””D3”””.

Because there are pedants everywhere you get scenarios like this:

Player 1: If I roll a 1 on the D6 it’s a fail.
*rolls D6* woo! Safe!!

Player 2: You rolled a 2 but it counts as a 1

P1: why?

P2: it’s a D3.

P1: it’s only a fail when you roll an actual 1 on the actual dice.

P2: nah, coz that gives you more chances of winning vs using an actual D3.

P1: that’s the f***** point.
D3 is a ancient nerd term for a theoretical three sided dice. To simulate it many many manufacturers make a six sided dice with two 1 , two 3 and two 3 faces. The chances of rolling a one are 1/3 . It is not that difficult people.
D3 is a ancient nerd term for a theoretical three sided dice. To simulate it many many manufacturers make a six sided dice with two 1 , two 3 and two 3 faces. The chances of rolling a one are 1/3 . It is not that difficult people.
But that’s not what GW are asking you to do. That’s where the confusion is coming in.

It’s very clear that they’re asking you to roll a D6, a physical die they provided with six sides sequentially numbered 1 to 6 and to translate the result rolled into, usually*, inches of movement.

  • 1-2 = 1”
  • 3-4 = 2”
  • 5-6 = 3”

Then occasionally they tack on an extra rule for when you roll a 1 on your D6, giving a 1 in 6 chance of activating that rule.
That’s before you translate the numbers actually rolled on your actual physical die into anything else.

It has absolutely nothing to do with actual or theoretical three sided dice or six sided ones with 1-3 duplicated, else they would’ve provided one. Or asked you to use the firepower dice, which they don’t. They ask you to use a D6.

The rules might also call for a D3, but an actual three-sided dice is not necessary.
P41 Underhive Rulebook.

Because you’re rolling a D6!

I never see this bad faith interpretation applied to a D66; someone saying they rolled a sixty-six sided die and rolled a 5, therefore not getting any results as they start at 11. It’s very clear they’re asking us to roll two D6s one for tens and another for units. It’s just they never wrote the “D3” shorthand clearly enough for some people.

*I’ve not been through every instance of “D3” in the library of books. Regardless they’re asking you to translate the results of a traditional D6 into whatever and regard a 1 on the D6 as the thing that activates another rule. It could just as easily be “a natural 4” on the “”D3””.
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Yeah it's obvious to you. It sure wasn't to me! When saying "an actual three-sided dice is not necessary", that's not accurate. An actual D3 cannot be used to for a rule that says to roll a D3!

D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8... they all got precise mathematical defintions! It would be as silly as a D12-based game calling to roll a D6 with effect on natural 1, then expect to assume everyone understands that's 1/12 and that rolling an actual 6-sided dice is not only unnecessary but also useless.
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@TopsyKretts as I said a few posts back, that’s their issue for using the term “D3”. It introduced confusion to people who expected to just simply be able to swap in an actual D3 die, which you can’t really do when they’re expecting a 1/6 fail and your potentially rolling 1/3 you’ve changed the odds and not for the better. You’ve also removed the chance of just rolling a 1 and not activating an effect.

The Natural Roll applies to the actual physical object you’re using, not any conversion charts or the like which you consult after the roll. In all these cases, they’ve asked us to use a D6 for this.

Because rolling a 2 on a D6 is not, and never will be a 1. It’s always a 2. Even more so in a system which maps face 2 to = 1 and maps face 1 = fail. Because the physical dice influences the mapping.

Same vein is rolling D6, getting a 1 and missing even though you may have gained +1 on the roll. The modifier doesn’t count if the Natural Roll is a 1.

So in that vein, yeah a “natural 1” on a D12 is still the face with the 1 on it, even if they have made some chart where the D12 converts to a D6 for some reason. Or even if the chart maps faces 1,2 and 3 to read “1”.
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