N18 How do you rate my cousins planned Delaque for A Aranthan Succession Campaign?


Mar 18, 2022
My cousin has joined a group that's going to be doing A Aranthan Succession Campaign, he's decided to use Delaques and he's decided on the following Gang. How do you rate my cousins planned Delaque for A Aranthan Succession Campaign?

Theirs a total of 6 gangs and the 3 sympathizers he starts with are Water Guild, Iron Guild and Explorator

The leader

He’s A Master of Shadows

Upgrade to unlicensed Psyker. Digi-Laser, Stun Grenades. Light Carapace Armour and Plasma Pistol

Being A unlicensed Psyker nets him A random power that ends up being the Telepathy power of Terrify and for his 1 Primary Skill of my choice I take the Telepathy power of Unbreakable Will

Costs 295 Credits

The Phantoms

Phantom 1

Mesh Armor, Armoured Undersuit, Web Gun and Digi-Laser

His 1 free primary skill is

Costs 250 Credits

Phantom 2

Upgrade to unlicensed Psyker, Mesh Armor, Armoured Undersuit, Plasma Pistol and Digi-Laser

Being A unlicensed Psyker nets him A random power that ends up being the Pyromancy power of Scouring and for his 1 Primary Skill of my choice I take the Pyromancy power of Stoke Flames

Costs 230 Credits

The Nar-Ghul

Serpents Fang, Master Crafted Las-Pistol with Infra Sight, Mesh Armor and Armoured Undersuit

Costs 290 Credits

The Psy-Gheist

Has 2 extra powers, Mesh Armor, Auto-Pistol, Digi-Laser and Psychoteric Worm

Her 3 powers are the Biomancy powers of Quickening, Stop Bleeding and Arachnosis

He has 5 Credits left in his stash, so he use's 1 of his groups house rule to spend 20 Credits for her to gain 2D6+1D3+2 XP


She gains 5+5+2+2 or 14 XP and he use's 12 of those 14 XP’s that to boost her WP from a dismal 9+ to A very good 5+

Costs 255 +20 or 275 Credits

The Ghost that starts as A Specialist

Web Gun with Mono-Sight, Web Gauntlet, Mesh Armor and Armoured Undersuit

Costs 260 Credits

Regular Ghosts

Ghosts 1 to 4

They all have Mesh Armor, Shotgun with Solid and Scatter Ammo and Stiletto Knive

Costs 105x4 or 420 Credits

Total ratting

2,020 Credits and 14 XP


1 Heavy Vehicle

Its upgrades are Crash Cage, Ram, Flare Launchers, Nitro Burners and Wheel Scythes

Its weapon mounts are 1 Heavy Stubber and 1 Long Las

Costs 400 Credits
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I would lose all the digi weapons. They are all over costed and just plain poor. The credits are better spent in photo goggles ,at the delaque discount, or infra sights you really need them in the first half of the campaign. Also lose the leaders light carapace and give him mesh and a undershirt for the same armour save for half the cost.
The mono sight on the specialists web gun has no use whatsoever. It adds to hit rolls on a aim action but the web gun is a template weapon so has no hit roll. Also unless your arbiter has allowed trade post access initially at gang creation the specialist can not take the undersuit to start with.
Unfortunately for delaque thier ghosts can't take armoured undersuits at creation and for this campaigns first half where you have no access to your house equipment list in trade actions and a -4 penalty for trade actions means that unless you roll high good equipment is scarce a few more ghosts on the roster would be advisable. While the succession missions have small crew sizes fighters in recovery will soon add up and since gangs han not hire new fighters or hangers on in the first half you may struggle in the later two campaign cycles of to put enough bodies on the field. You have a budget of 2000 so getting a roster of 10+ should be achievable even with a few extra toys. Without undersuits on the ghosts you could squeeze a extra on or two in thier to keep the crew numbers up.
The constant pitch black rules and ash wastes weather in the campaign make the first half particularly hazardous for all gangs so you need to plan ahead for them, cheap delaque photo goggles and respirators.