Necromunda How to you manage vehicles in your campaign?


New Member
Dec 12, 2019
Sorry if this has been asked or answered already but i'm at a loss. I'm in the process of setting up a new campaign, with the inclusion of vehicles for the first time. I am experiencing numerous bugs when adding vehicles, that have been documents in various forum posts but without any direct fixes as of yet (appreciate that there is a lot to maintain, so no bad vibes towards the Yaktribe owner).

Issues include:
  1. Vehicle profiles missing (Eg mauler) but can be made via custom option, same for some Crew types.
  2. Vehicle fighter card damage input not working
  3. vehicle equipment cannot be added direct to the vehicle equipment outside the starting list.
  4. purchasing vehicle equipment from trading post, goes to your stash, which can only be assigned to Crew.
  5. Multiple weapon profiles not showing on vehicle fighter cards / some vehicle weapons showing as wargear.
  6. Buying vehicle upgrades from the profile vehicle equipment list seems to affect the Wealth statistic incorrectly.
  7. I've seen a few more and haven't explored vehicle creation further.
My question is, how are other people managing this? Or are you using other means to track vehicle admin in your Necromunda campaigns?
Here is the workflow I have suggested to my campaign members:

  1. Buy a vehicle. Do not buy vehicle upgrades from the trading post, that sends them to the stash and it seems there's no way to move them out from there to a vehicle.
  2. Buy a crew (under Add Fighter, just like any other gang member).
  3. Edit the crew and use the Change Vehicle function to assign that crew a vehicle.
  4. Using the "Vehicle Equipment" section on the crew's profile, give the vehicle any desired upgrade