Sorry if this has been asked or answered already but i'm at a loss. I'm in the process of setting up a new campaign, with the inclusion of vehicles for the first time. I am experiencing numerous bugs when adding vehicles, that have been documents in various forum posts but without any direct fixes as of yet (appreciate that there is a lot to maintain, so no bad vibes towards the Yaktribe owner).
Issues include:
Issues include:
- Vehicle profiles missing (Eg mauler) but can be made via custom option, same for some Crew types.
- Vehicle fighter card damage input not working
- vehicle equipment cannot be added direct to the vehicle equipment outside the starting list.
- purchasing vehicle equipment from trading post, goes to your stash, which can only be assigned to Crew.
- Multiple weapon profiles not showing on vehicle fighter cards / some vehicle weapons showing as wargear.
- Buying vehicle upgrades from the profile vehicle equipment list seems to affect the Wealth statistic incorrectly.
- I've seen a few more and haven't explored vehicle creation further.