N18 I need a little help to get started.


New Member
Apr 21, 2021
I am just starting my adventure with necromunda, I played a few matches on the gang from the starter box, specifically esherkas that are folded according to the instructions, and the equipment is immediately allocated on the cards added to the starter. I liked this gang and I would like to play the campaign with it. We have agreed 1000cr with friends to start and I would like to create a new schedule, but I have no idea how to go about it. Or maybe some more experienced player would like to provide me with a sensibly written out gang esherek at 1000cr as an example of how it should be put together correctly.
Thank you in advance for your help and I wish you successful games: D
Hi, and welcome to the tribe!

I unfortunately don't play the newer versions, but looking through the Gangs and Loadout section there are some Escher gangs along with discussion and advice. I've linked a couple, but have no idea if the advice is sound. :D Someone more knowledgeable should be along shortly...

Or maybe a mod could move this to the Gangs and Loadout section? @CaptainDangerous, @ClockworkOrange, @cardyfreak, @nooker?
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