League Week 4
A week of draws. Both missions were rolled up and got the same Ash Wastes board and mission (Fuel Hunt). I'll put pics in later, but they weren't very good pics even with my low standards. Prior to the game we had our mid-campaign rest "week" and got 250 credits. That, plus the extra I had got from week 3 allowed me to grab a shotgun/stiletto knife hunter (probably fodder like the autogunner) and a grenade-launcher armed walker from the Guild of Coin (extra armor/nitro burner). That will hopefully help out with my penchant for rolling up the Ash Wastes as my mission board (2 are Ash Wastes, 2 are Sector, 1 is Zone Mortalis).
First mission was against a custom Outcasts gang. He had a walker as well, though armed with an autocannon rather than a grenade launcher, which made me somewhat nervous. There were seven fuel containers for this match. First round nothing much happened aside from my Infiltrator Niks getting to a fuel cache and finding it empty and the enemy doing the same (though theirs blew up but caused no damage). My walker stalled out, so he was also pretty useless for the first round, but luckily the enemy walker wound up missing his first shot and no damage occurred on either side. The next round was much the same, with every fighter moving to get into position near a fuel cache and the walkers not doing anything in regards to damage. Third round, two containers were found on each side (meaning the game was over at the end of the round) and the enemy walker fired at Interrogator Slyss. Slyss, who had his Cool advanced in between last week and this mission due to his constant failing of checks, also failed his Nerves of Steel check and wound up pinned. That was the extent of the damage from the mission- one fighter pinned. It was pretty funny because both of us were worried about the other's walker, but neither walker did any damage and the rest of the fighters were just maneuvering around to get fuel caches.
Second mission was similar, but much more of a fight. The Inquisition was fighting against the Chaos Water cult, seeking to get revenge from the earlier ambush and killing of Markos' first body. Again, Fuel Hunt was the mission but this time 9 caches were rolled for. The cult had a Ridgerunner with a mining laser, so a nasty little vehicle I didn't want close to my walker (or fighters really). Both sides had infiltrators, but the cult had massive advantage with 4 infiltrating fighters in their Leader and three Champions. Niks got a good spot, but then was unable to come up with a fuel cache as again he rolled up empty (which means of three caches he has infiltrated to, he has blown himself up once and failed another two times- probably not going to go for it again). The cult's Leader had a long rifle, and was able to start sniping at the Inquisition while they pushed up. First round saw Niks getting pinned by an infiltrating heavy stubber Champion and the Inquisition's walker then seriously wounding that Champion in return, while the cult's Ridgerunner was out of range to shoot at Markos. Second round, multiple caches were claimed (two each), while Little Sister picked off an enemy Champion with her shotgun and Ferris (autogunner) went OoA due to the cult Leader's long rifle (Head Wound) and Niks got taken out with a Wytch's autopistol (Convalesence). Syvara managed to take a mining laser to the face, but only took three flesh wounds, hanging on with one T and surprising everyone. Third round, the Inquisition's walker nails the Ridgerunner with a krak grenade, dismounting the mining laser, and then Markos put a rapid fire plasma burst into it, hitting and wounding it three times, Wrecking it and making the cult decide to flee at the end of the round. The rest of the round was pretty anemic, each side pinning but not really doing any damage to the enemy. End result was the Inquisition has one fighter in Recovery (Ferris) while the cult had a captured Champion actually escape, another fighter Out Cold, and a vehicle with a Damage Frame.
100 credits and 6 rep make for a decent week for the Inquisition. Syvara managed to Advance again, getting a Toughness boost, and Little Sister now moves faster. I was debating about giving Markos a T boost, but decided against it and he now has Nerves of Steel to hopefully make his Overwatch skill even more annoying for opponents. Three more weeks to go, and right now I think the Inquisition has the lead in Rep at 15, but they've got a long way to go in terms of deadliness and cash...