Fascinating. I’ve just read up on it. What an absolute mess. Just goes to show that when things get licenced out, then counter licensed then those deals end and get picked up it starts to get super complicated as to who owned what, when and if they were allowed to pass those on again in the first place!!Yup- the Robotech/Macross Mecha were liscensed by FASA in the 80s for Battletech and the Ost-series of Mechs (Ostscout, Ostroc, Ostsol, Ostwar) were based off of the Zentraedi Tactical or Regult Battlepods, with the Marauder Mech being base off of the Officer or Glaug Battlepod. Then the whole Harmony Gold debacle happened, which meant that the original artwork for a bunch of BT Mechs was considered improperly licensed, resulting in the Unseen and later Reseen, after HG lost its lawsuits.