INQ28 Campaign anyone?

Which August weekend can you do?

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You can manage 4 players per board without too much trouble. More than that and we might need to consider additional boards. However if you make the boards flexible or more generic they can be reused in later missions(which us what we normally do).

Do we have any idea as to the date?
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After much rummaging through boxes last night. To see what sort of CRAZY bits I might find and help me decide what sort of party I might field. I have decided to go with an inquisitorial one after all. Ordo Heriticus all the way.
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I was really wanting to take the Inq28 route and tart everything up as much as possible. With that being the case and the construction of models and boards being a necessity it would be at least several months in the future.

For instance I worked out i'll be spending about 2 months just casting floor tiles (once I get a sack of plaster) add in painting, printing and bells and whistles and it could be about 6 months before the boards ready.

Some point in mid to late 2020 I'd say.
I have moved the post I was using to track stuff to post number 1. If I've roped you into a job you didn't want let me know. If you think something sounds shit let me know.

Given that there will be so many griblies and there are so many evil plans I want to hatch and not let you know about I think I'll GM and lean on you guys for rule stuff if that's OK.
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I love it! Would you be happy making it overtly chaos, with sigils and grossness? That would make it a perfect centrepiece for the final game and we can use something else for the palace.
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Hey guys, just caught up on all this. Plans all sound good!

I've been planning to make a big cathedral-like transport ship for my Sisters of Battle army (when it gets released in plastic) so I'm happy to offer that up as a piece for the ship docks. Also got a Keeper of Secrets ready to be painted up if we want that for the big bad that various parties are wanting to summon.

For my party I'm torn a couple of ways between a trouble-making Istvaanist, a law-abiding Amalathian or going way out the park with a set of twin Aeldari Corsairs (though I remember Eldar being quite powerful in Inquisitor so would have to play them very sensibly if I did). Happy to fit around other people's ideas so we've got a nice variety of motivations in play.

Practical things: I'm based near Manchester so got pretty good train links to wherever but being able to pile stuff into a car would be useful (I don't drive myself).
I was just looking at this when I got the ping from you. It looks amazing! Those corpse grinders look.... words cannot describe, incredibly INQ28! I think some inquisitors may be dealing with a death cult in the future.
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Eldar are super radge. They definitely need to have an obscene stat line but that would be tempered by being a party of one.

I was looking at the keeper of secrets for the big bad. Xe is beautiful. But I might be able to get my hands on something so gross I kinda don't want to tell you about it :)
@AliHaley85 suggested everyone take a larger than normal warband and pick just a few dudes for each mission. I initially poo pooed the idea thinking it wouldn't make muce narrative sense, however considering the potential meat-grinder y'all are facing and the likely hood of character death this might be a good idea. Thoughts?
Yes you'll probably want a pool of about 5 or 6 models. Usually we've played that the teams main character is more or less immortal until the final mission (i.e they will recover fully for the next mission), but the sidekicks can be seriously injured or killed and so be forced to miss missions. Actually being killed is quite rare anyway.
Belatedly, but as a note for any other time such a campaign is considered, Mordheim has sanity/insanity rules which work surprisingly well, from one of the Town Cryers. In essence, track experience backward [easy on a Mordheim roster, admittedly, with its graphic experience track], as sanity is lost/insanity is gained. Each time that you reach/pass an "advance" point, you gain an insanity effect. The same could work for 'spiritual corruption' pretty well too. It starts slowly, but they come more and more frequently as you get worse.

Heck, even just use the Mordheim experience track [to cut down the scale of numbers - lose a point of sanity, rather than "lose d6 Sanity points"].
"At the Mouth of Madness," TC8, p.40
@HorribleHedgehog should check out that idea for their RPG project.

where does the chart start? does it depend on their type? so a heavy would stay sane longer than a juvie or regular ganger?