Inquisitor @ TAG 2024


Dec 2, 2012
Lincoln, UK
This is the thread of who wants to join me in playing inquisitor at the TRIBEmeet. I will be running it at 54mm scale, I have plenty of spare models for those who want to join a game but don't have any.

My plan is to run a small campaign of linked games, but I understand that there won't be the same players for all the games.

I will be publishing a small campaign pack closer to the event and after the event I will publish my entire GM pack.

If you want to join please post below if you want to join and if you know the theme of your warband.

Player pack
This pack holds the basic rules and infomation for the start of the campaign.
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I will provisionally say I'd be up for participating. I likely wont be in for all the games as there are so many I would want to play over the weekend, but deffo be up for being in some of them. I might have my own model or 2, but once again, depends on what else falls into my 'to do' list.

@DarkMouse , in case you were interested?
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I will provisionally say I'd be up for participating. I likely wont be in for all the games as there are so many I would want to play over the weekend, but deffo be up for being in some of them. I might have my own model or 2, but once again, depends on what else falls into my 'to do' list.

@DarkMouse , in case you were interested?
This sounds like fun, but again would need to juggle other things I'd be playing

So a tenuous yes I think
if you know the theme of your warband
So... I may have some crazy ambition to do a mordian guard bully squad. A 'thug' squad of goons if you will.

Are you using inq. rules or a custom ruleset? do you have a power level in mind?

I'm happy to play them as a corrupt low level muscle who are ner-o-do-wells, akin to the recruiting bands in sharpe, ready to catch bullets for the movers and shakers, or have them as a slightly more hardened veteran team, war weary professionals ala the darktide squads.

Quite like the idea of having a few mooks who can be dispatched to shake down a local, or be given commands like "you two, cover than alley, you!, go investigate that sound".
I will be using the Inquisitor LRB and I don't mind people using any of the other published material. Either can be workable plus you have an excuse to have a Character of a Precher or Officer to Lead (bully) them. Also the only thing to note is melta weapons are frowned upon (though not banned) as it will be taking place on a space station.

I don't have power level stats for standard soldiers but here is my Inquisitorial stormtrooper stats

and here is a simple preacher who usually carries a pump action shotgun.
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Also the only thing to note is melta weapons are frowned upon (though not banned) as it will be taking place on a space station.
noted... will not be a problem. With that info on setting, I'll make em a imperial navy press gang unit, led by a low level officer with dreams of granduer
I am just writing up the event pack at the moment the scenarios are just about finished... And I have a few very specific models I have done for the latter part of the campaign
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I'll bring my Inquisitor and heretical teams with me. Don't know if I'll have time to take part although I would like too. Would you prefer me to use my Istvaanian Inquisitor Cortez or my heretical sorceress Isabella von Ravensburg?
(Although that is the old version of Isabella, she's undergone some 'changes' since then).
Showing my age I used the NPC rules at the early conclave Inquisitor GTs.

The Architect of hate from fanatic online was a very well written but complex campaign.