Necromunda Inspirational videos - terrain ideas


Hive Guilder
Dec 8, 2017
I looked for a similar thread and I'm not seeing anything really dedicated to the topic (feel free to correct me and direct me elsewhere) so here we go!
In my internet wanderings I come across some really interesting stuff and this video is CHOCK full of some of the best industrial sightseeing I have ever witnessed. I almost want to recreate the whole site as a scene.
Also, here is an archive of photos of the site throughout the years

If anyone else has anything similar to recommend, please feel free.
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Good find, I think it would be great to build it with 3-4 blast furnaces but only 1 of them in use and the others rusted with holes in the sides and full of debris. maybe rusted rolling stock on a siding with only one ore cart in use. like a gang had control of the area but only had the manpower to get one of the furnaces operational and the rest of the site is a 100 year old ruin.

Huge project though
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I looked for a similar thread and I'm not seeing anything really dedicated to the topic (feel free to correct me and direct me elsewhere)

Maybe it would fit this old thread:

No one has posted there for over a year now, but perhaps there are still some gems to be found amongst the recommendations.
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That other “inspirational videos” is mostly suggested movies or shows with a Necromunda-ish feeling.
Ok cool! Feel free to the other thread for general inspiration, I'm going to keep this open for more direct visual pieces.
And so I can keep on topic, this is another great one