Inspirational Viewing

Watching Blame! again. based on the newer GW releases, it would appear that the humans would be good Van Saar (maybe not the weapons, but the helmets/armor sure are similar).
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I have the first volume of the manga. The story takes a similar but different path from the movie and there are some great visuals for the more forlorn and abandoned parts of the underhive.

Looking at other parts of the setting, I know it doesn't really match, but I'd want to steal big chunks of the Borderlands games for any ash wastes adventures.
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OT, but I've always dreamed of a Borderlands -style looter shooter (maybe with some added spice via a Bulletstorm-style skill-kill system) where you play an ork. It'd be the perfect mix. No other species is more suited to FPS-RPGs.
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Kind of surprised no one has suggested The Expanse yet, so let me be the first! Gritty, noir-ish sci-fi series set in our Solar System. The impoverished Belters (those who have grown up on the colonies of the asteroid belt) and their rusting, claustrophobic space stations look exactly like what I imagine the Underhive to look like. I just watched the first season on Amazon Prime.
i may have to check that out!

i’ve been using Prime for other nerdy pleasures... like “The Hogfather” and “Colour of Magic”
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I recently saw Annihilation. It has some very Tzeentchian imagery, like uncontrollably mutated plants and animals, rendered in absolutely gorgeous detail, accompanief by a haunting, droning soundtrack. Truly an audiovisual experience.
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I've just seen Android Cop (2014) and a lot of the scenery looks very Necro/bombed out city with touches of Mad Max and The Cars that Ate Paris. Could be inspirational for a corrupt Enforces campaign plot.
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I dunno if it would be considered inspirational viewing but dark tourism on net flux is a rather interesting show cause it shows some rather seedy stuff you can do around the world. Not all of its super dark but some of its just nuts.
The Expanse is great, Season 3 should hit UK Netflix around September :cry: if it follows the same release schedule as Season 2. Remember the Cant!
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the movie itself is very clean, so more like Infinity. but there are scenes where you can see how the city is layered that make me think of a hive city (the early roadway chase for instance). it's also a good flick.
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