Obviously Mesh armour is better than Flak armour as it grants you a 5+ armour save regardless, whereas Flak armour only grants you a 6+ armour save which increases to 5+ against blast/template weapons. So generally Flak armour is a 6+ armour save most of the time.
With a 6+ armour save, you are mathematically only negating damage one-sixth of the time, or 16% of the time. Whereas with a 5+ armour save this increases to one-third or 33% of the time. And for 5 credits more, who wouldn't take Mesh armour over Flak amour if it is available to you?
So is Flak armour even worth taking at all?
Obviously you'll pick Mesh armour over Flak if it is available to you and you have the credits to do so. It seems to me that you'd only take Flak armour if you don't have access to better armour and/or you don't have the credits to take better amour. The only other scenario I can think of where you'd consider taking Flak armour is if you've already equipped all your fighters with the weapons and wargear that you want and you've got 10 credits spare, so you just chuck it on a guy that didn't have armour. That being said, wouldn't the credits be off better spent on upgrading weapons and wargear with the potential to do more damage opposed to getting a 6+ amour save? I'd rather take a slightly better weapon or an additional weapon (e.g. autopistol) with no armour over a 6+ amour save. Damage verses Survivability?
What do you guys think? Is Flak armour worth taking? Or am I too focused on damage output verses survivability? Or have I missed something completely?
With a 6+ armour save, you are mathematically only negating damage one-sixth of the time, or 16% of the time. Whereas with a 5+ armour save this increases to one-third or 33% of the time. And for 5 credits more, who wouldn't take Mesh armour over Flak amour if it is available to you?
So is Flak armour even worth taking at all?
Obviously you'll pick Mesh armour over Flak if it is available to you and you have the credits to do so. It seems to me that you'd only take Flak armour if you don't have access to better armour and/or you don't have the credits to take better amour. The only other scenario I can think of where you'd consider taking Flak armour is if you've already equipped all your fighters with the weapons and wargear that you want and you've got 10 credits spare, so you just chuck it on a guy that didn't have armour. That being said, wouldn't the credits be off better spent on upgrading weapons and wargear with the potential to do more damage opposed to getting a 6+ amour save? I'd rather take a slightly better weapon or an additional weapon (e.g. autopistol) with no armour over a 6+ amour save. Damage verses Survivability?
What do you guys think? Is Flak armour worth taking? Or am I too focused on damage output verses survivability? Or have I missed something completely?