N17 Jons terrain and miniatures

Thanks in general I wanted my nomads to have different colors for them to look more riff raff. In general I'm y shure if I should make them even lighter to reflect sun and wind tear. But I also like to use a bit of color. I want them to look like Bedouin. And I think they often use a bit of color
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Here is the acid sprayer.
Jon this is a really inspiring plog. So many great ideas, so well realised, and I love your ashwasters. Keep the ideas flowing because you can really bring the hive to life with your terrain projects.
Thanks for that. Glad that you like it. It's a while since I posted any terrain. So maybe I need to do that again.
By the logic of a lot of websites, no gang in Necromunda is good in meele. Even with Goliath and Escher, they complain that they're too slow or too fragile, respectively.

My opinion? As long as the campaign doesn't contain a corpse grinder cult, any gang can be geared towards melee and do reasonably well.
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By the logic of a lot of websites, no gang in Necromunda is good in meele. Even with Goliath and Escher, they complain that they're too slow or too fragile, respectively.

My opinion? As long as the campaign doesn't contain a corpse grinder cult, any gang can be geared towards melee and do reasonably well.
Shure, but these has cunning and shooting Skills and start whit bs 3 and ws4. So it's easyer to get more from them at range. They are very good snipers. But only having that is a bit boring
By the logic of a lot of websites, no gang in Necromunda is good in meele. Even with Goliath and Escher, they complain that they're too slow or too fragile, respectively.

My opinion? As long as the campaign doesn't contain a corpse grinder cult, any gang can be geared towards melee and do reasonably well.
One thing I have yet to encounter on Youtube or a hobby blog is a Necromunda battle report where the two players picked the weakest or shittiest gang list they or their opponent could come up with and played a game. A few years ago that seemed to be a 40K thing for folks who played regularly and had podcasts.
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That’s a fun idea. Create the weakest gang you can imagine. Swap lists with your opponent and play.
Hardest part would be keeping track of which model had what since most folks won’t have some of the truly awful weapon load outs modeled up ready to suck and/or blow.
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Wow kewl boards. I love the kitty cat of doom too. How much random damage did he/she cause.

Theres some really nice touches on those boards, I am impressed. Room for a four or five gang free for all.

Where are you cause I dont recognise the beer at all.
The cat i a old tom at he did not do much. We where 7 at on board at the time. So that was a lobg game. Think its a import beer. But we are located in Stavanger Norway.
Wow that is awesome a really dangerous looking critter. You'd only hope he stops to feed on your buddies so you got time to bolt. Great miniature where is he from or is he a conversion?

The side view looks like he would make a decent mount for an insectiod of some description. A Thrikreen mounted on that thing would look like something out of a nightmare scape. Beautiful miniature and great paint job.
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