N17 Jons terrain and miniatures

Again it been a while but i have done some stuff since last post. First of all i done some more delaqe. I have not played that house much in our current everlasting campane im doing Orlocks.
That shrine is gorgeous. Keep it separate so it can appear on the different boards. Deep in the tunnels, at the edge of the market, out on that tiny island in the middle of the sump where no one lives but the candles are always lit...
Nice work on the new board - it's looking great! Are you planning some kind of water effect for the big pipe? Are you going to make some more passages in the wall so the two sides are linked?
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Nice work on the new board - it's looking great! Are you planning some kind of water effect for the big pipe? Are you going to make some more passages in the wall so the two sides are linked?
There is a passage in the big pipe at the bottom and a passage in the big pipe at the top. My plan it to maybe make a door in the mid level and also i want walkways connected to the wall. Im doing it piece meal. So i try to finish painting each element before i make a new one. That way i can always play on it. Also it would be impossible to paint some of those part if i waited until i was done building it.

Also the bit pipe at the top are suppose to be a big ventilation pipe or something like that. I cut away the top part on some of it so its possible to play in and thou it.
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Your last board project was outstanding, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how you build this one! The way you're able to build boards with lots of elevation changes is really excellent. Good luck on the project!
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That's a very cool board. makes me think of a 4-player game, two on each side of the wall battling each one allied with one of the guys on the other side, aiming to get there and unite or something.
We gaming weekend every 2-3 mouth or so. And we often play multiplayer games on the big 4x4 boards. It also possible to play two "separate" games on this board where things like cards object mix the two battles together.
I already liked the first table very much and your new gaming table was great again. What I also like is that self-construction still plays an important role for you and your group, even with and despite the well-made and nice DU Zone Mortalis Terrain.

If I saw that correctly, you built your wall from a wooden frame with MDF panels. Did that have special reasons? I ask because I bought 5 cm thick Styrodur (XPS) for my own wall. The height should be around 40 to 50 cm and I hope and expect Styrodur to be stable enough for this.

Then I have questions about playability, please. I see two or three transitions depending on whether it is a dome wall or a city wall. How does that work in games and do you use special rules for this? Among other things, I ask myself whether the passages are not blocked too easily, or whether miniatures that ignore terrain could have too great an advantage?