Can't say I know too much about whether the minis are multipose but they are supposed to be multipart plastic.

I attached a screenshot of one of the new Blood beret minis, as you can see, they are pretty faithful to the OG figs, but with the shoulderpads dialed back a bit.
Interesting. I liked the originals, and they were kinda blocky. I didn’t get any of the Prodos ones.
The Prodos ones were 40mm I think, so way out of scale with any terrain I had. Also they were resin (blue for some reason) and the castings weren't that great. It was disappointing and I ended up dumping them on e-vil-Bay.

I signed up for Warzone: Eternal's Facebook page yesterday. The Kickstarter is going to begin on the 17th of May if anyone is interested. I'll be keeping my eye on it.

I like the sculpts I've seen so far as they've stayed true to the originals. And their studio painter is really good. The only thing people have suggested - including myself - is that they need to make decals. Of course some troll had to try to get under my skin saying, "It may matter to you OLD players but to us new people not so much." <eyeroll> Always has to be one, and no I didn't take the bait. I personally think the various insignia are integral to the overall look of the minis. The Blood Beret is great, but having their unit mark on the shoulder would really add to the mini. Just my opinion.

I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with this.
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I think this has been linked but I'm not sure.. anyway, it's in the last few days and if you get this and the Terra Ranger addon, you basically have your generic/counts-as vehicles covered.
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Can't say I know too much about whether the minis are multipose but they are supposed to be multipart plastic.

I attached a screenshot of one of the new Blood beret minis, as you can see, they are pretty faithful to the OG figs, but with the shoulderpads dialed back a bit.

The Kickstarter for this is up and funded - The 3d renders on the kickstarter page look a bit underwhelming, however, they have put up some promising pics of painted prototypes, and one of the FAQs explains better what is in each box.
Ral Partha's Chaos Wars Wave 4 Thunderbolt Mountain 30mm pewter miniatures sculpted by Tom Meier, and the 4th campaign book for the Chaos Wars setting.

That nearly naked female barbarian is not a nice model. She looks like a deformed Attack on Titan mindless titan…. The red skinned demon in the lower pic is much better.

That nearly naked female barbarian is not a nice model. She looks like a deformed Attack on Titan mindless titan….
The same for the male, but not sure if it's the paint-job, as I've seen painted figures painted like this on the Wargames Foundry site, or Tom Meier's focus on exaggerated features: compared with his older stuff, he seems to focus on the extremes is sculpting styles nowadays. The vampiress and the not Saruman look okay...

Close ups of the figures painted, in bare metal and the greens: - Humans - New Releases - PDF.pdf?dl=0

The female barbarian looks better in bare metal, while the male barbarian looks like a golem!

The red skinned demon in the lower pic is much better.
She's supposed to be a necromancer and the different painter's style makes the figure look less like the barbarians from a meat cutter chart.

I pledged for these 7 figures, as they'll fit in with my GW figures and I know I'll get them in time, based on my experience with Ral Partha's KS from 2016. The Firelock Games' one has again revised dates, this time between August and November 2022 and they're not being responsive to questions, but the pledgers aren't up in arms - plastic figure players tend to be masochists.
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Well if he did it on purpose, I guess it is what it is. The wizard, vampiress, and necromancer show he can sculpt lovely models.

The only KS I’ve ever backed was the original TribeMEAT one…
This is not a Kickstarter exactly, but from the excellent shop of Heresy Miniatures:

PRE-ORDER the FATC range
As you may have seen me tweeting about recently if you're on Twitter, I was supposed to be running another Kickstarter this month for delivery in October, after the end of the ghouls, goblins and zombies KS due to be delivered in August - mainly because July is the month where i have to pay my taxes and accountants fees, and a KS would have cleared that financial iceberg nicely, but I also need to pay Jed Norton for the rights to produce this excellent small range of sci-fi figures that went out of production with the (extremely sad) closing of Antenociti's Workshop. Unfortunately Kickstarter have changed their rules so that you can't overlap projects any more (You could last time I ran one, it's an understandable change but I wish i'd known earlier) - so please help me out in the old-fashioned, pre-Kickstarter, regular way - by pre-ordering on the Heresy shop!
*Fate Amenable To Change*
These are truly excellent 28mm white metal and resin character models suitable for all of your science fiction settings like Cyberpunk, traveller, etc. Especially the Komodo mech suit, which I will be producing in resin. The models were previosly produced by Jed Norton under the banner Fate Amenable Go Change; he owned the IP rights to the figures separately to the Antenociti's Workshop business entity and has agreed to sell the IP to me - but I need to get him the money, so help me out twice over by grabbing yourself an awesome mech suit, a loose cannon cop or some cool Special Operatives.
I have just enough moulds to bring the models listed in the FATC/pre-order section back into production, and they will be shipped in August (if you are waiting for the ghouls kickstarter rewards, you can add them to your pledge in the shipping area)
Unfortunately Kickstarter have changed their rules so that you can't overlap projects any more (You could last time I ran one, it's an understandable change but I wish i'd known earlier) - so please help me out by pre-ordering, so that i can relax about the tax and also get some money to Jed Norton!

Mutant Chronicles cancelled / postponed:

"But it's no closely guarded secret that Kickstarter funding goals rarely reflect the full total necessary to make a campaign a success. It's a gamble that unfortunately has become a part of working through Kickstarter."

Wow! 'Everyone knows Kickstarter goals are phony numbers?' News to me, and a remarkable attitude. I don't think it's common knowledge that most campaigns are, essentially fradulent, at least about accuracy with the financial goals. Sounds like an excuse? Really a dig at the platform too.
I do notice that well established companies seem to use Kickstarter A LOT. For these it seems like they are using it as advertisement and to generate buzz and to see if the product is viable rather than actually full on kickstart to a company which, I believe, was the intent.
They are and I have some. They make amazing Delaque juves. Be interesting to see how they expand the line.
I'm curious what the kickstarter is for in this case. The sculpts exist already. The moulds exist already. All they need to do is cast some. I would have thought it would be a lot less hassle to just start doing so & selling them than faffing around giving Kickstarter a cut.