Textured plates so you can make your own detailed bases with green stuff. This time they are doing smaller 5cm square base plates so they are cheaper. I'm still planning to sink £60 into it but that will be 12 different plates. Some good ones for Necro and Mordheim. I have some of their previous products and can vouch for their quality -

The next Nickstarter (preorder for Frostgrave) starts Monday October 3rd - a new FG book and another boxed set, this time Barbarians...possibly good for Mordheim warbands :)

Tagged as post apoc these look more sci fi to me.
Annie aka the dice bag lady is often seen at UK conventions and is known for her believable female models, good customer service and very fair postage rates especially for overseas customers.
700% funded already but go and check it out.
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I'm sure you guys already know this, but in case anyone is interested there's another kickstarter for Kingdom Death: Monster going on at the moment- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15

I love hearing people bleat about how much it hurts when their characters die in that game. I secretly scoff and think 'you should try Necromunda'. I still grieve for characters lost years ago.