Kill Team 3.0


Gang Champion
Oct 1, 2018
West Greenwich, RI
So.. with the previews going on of the newest edition of Kill Team what are everyone's thoughts so far? Positive, negative, "Don't care as I don't play"?

My thoughts. and some may be controversial but they're my opinions so take them as such.

I got into KT in 1st Edition and although I liked the wide choices available - including Commanders - it led to "analysis paralysis" for me trying to make a good team. I also felt that it was somehow lacking in character for some reason. It's hard to put my finger on. Maybe because it was just "40K lite" in my opinion? It was fun while I played, however.

When 2nd Edition came out I was skeptically optimistic considering all the changes that were made. I liked that the game had more individuality rules-wise and despite all the nay-sayers I DO like the bespoke lists. For me it makes team building easy, both in modelling and play choices. I TOTALLY DESPISED that damn "x-shape = y-distance" thing. It was SO counter intuitive that it just made things difficult to measure ranges. Terrain rules were way too confusing also. Despite the downsides I did enjoy it.. mostly.

Now looking at 3.0 I'm again skeptically and cautiously optimistic again. Shape measurements are gone. Fly got simpler. Data cards got streamlined. The unnecessary Equipment Points got taken out. If they make the terrain rules easier, I'll be happy. I'm going to keep watching the WarCom articles and see what develops.

The Scions don't do much for me in the HIvestorm set, but man.. I REALLY like the Stingwings. There's all kinds of painting opportunities with them, plus it's nice to see them get an update. I think they'll be a really popular and good team in the game.

I have TONS of stuff for Kill Team that I haven't gotten around to building or painting. IF - big if - this version turns out to me an improvement it might give me a reason to break all that stuff out of storage. I'll have to wait and see. It also depends on if I can GET a copy if I want one. I'm not holding my breath considering how difficult that can be for popular releases.

So, share your opinions. I'll be looking forward to hearing what everyone else thinks.
Well I've got a lot of the existing stuff and compilations for 2.0 (sold off most of the 1.0 stuff because it was tedious to play) so I'll stick to what I have for the couple of times a year I may actually play it. Trying to not buy more books and plastic I have to find storage for.
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I'm liking what they showed today about the co-op and solo play. I LOVE co-op games. My friend and I recently got Deth Wizards (Snarling Badger Studios, look them up) and had a blast playing co-op. This to me is huge as I'd much rather play cooperatively than competitively. I'm also big on solo play as it's really hard to get my gaming friends together at times due to life and schedules, so at least with solo rules I can play, even if it's alone. At least if I get the game, I'll have reason to paint up all those different teams I've collected over the years to use as NPOs.

I wasn't surprised at the Compendium teams going away as anyone watching the game develop could see that was going to happen. People whining about it have also been whining about losing the choice options from 1st Ed. I see this good as plasma spam was a thing in 1st Ed, and it was disheartening for new players who had limited models to go against experienced players with deep bits boxes able to make OP combos. Now it's "grab a box, build a team", two boxes if you want ALL the options. It's cheaper, and it's easier to build a force, which is just the thing for getting new people to play.
I painted up a kill team way back when it was just a listing in the back of the 4th edition rulebook. Have never played. And the current prices for anything GW means I may never buy another GW base game again.
@Punktaku I'm not trying to shill for the game, honestly I was just trying to generate some conversation on it. And I totally agree on pricing, GW is rapidly pricing me out of shopping with them. I have the two games from them I want and enjoy playing, Aeronautica Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus, which coincidentally you can use models from the first one in the second so, bonus. I just wish they'd do the Xenos races, but oh well. The only other game at this time that would tempt me is BattleFleet Gothic, but only if it they just cleaned up the rules and released new plastic models. If it was a updated reboot, hard pass. Don't mess with perfection..
I understand. I wasn’t trying to shut down conversation or accuse anyone of shilling. I’ve liked the idea of kill team for ages. The 4th edition rulebook’s “list” (directions?) gave me a reason to paint up all these random space marine models i had laying around . But I never got to play it.

I was a total GW fanboy from 1987 (when I bought Rogue Trader) until sometime in the early 2000s when I started being a dad. I had multiple armies/groups for almost everything but no opponents. So sometime around 2004 I sold almost everything on eBay except my two favorites: Necromunda and Blood Bowl (which I also happened to play the most). But my interest in modern GW has waned ever since as prices kept going up, White Dwarf became less interesting, and then when I was more interested in just the hobbying part I found myself excluded because of the new price tags. And the more I read about them in places like the sump, the more interested I am in other companies.

But as far as this new kill team is concerned, I really do like what they did with the vespid models. The originals were just clunky and ugly.

And I think ditching the proprietary measuring system was a good idea.
I appreciate the enthusiasm for the new version. I’ve enjoyed the current edition as well as the Acolyte fan made mod for collaborative Inq28 style gaming. The changes look good, some of them we had long since made on our own (I’m looking at you, shapes for movement distance).

I don’t care for either of the new kill teams so won’t pick up the new box but as always I’ll keep my eye on releases.