"Oh hey, my sniper broke an arm and a spine. Neat!". I don't think that injuries should rewards players, especially min-maxing ones. "Lesson learned" is enough.I'd prefer the injury to be factored in just because I think the slow rate of advancement makes gangers really boring. They'll tend to get worse faster than they get better, and so something to compensate for that feel-bad realisation would be nice. It's not as good as just... getting advances and becoming interesting, but it's something. Plus the idea of a ganger with a selection of inconsequential injuries making them a lean mean rating-slimming machine is kind of cute.
Imho, the GW approach to bionics is absolutely the worst. You are not motivated to keep the fighters and form attachments, quite the opposite.
If I'm going to spend 2D6x10cr to send fighter to a doc - he misses a game with an injury on top, and he might just die wasting my money, but even if he lives and gets bionics, he'll just bloat the rating of my gang. At this point you start wondering, maybe its just cheaper to simply hire a fresh champion/ganger.
Our group has decided that bionics do not affect rating nor fighter's cost during our second or third campaign long time ago and since then we never looked back.
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