Necromunda Lifting the roof

I do need more walkways and ladders though.
I had the same issue with my TTCombat stuff. I solved it by buying some Wargames Tournaments walkways and ladders. They don’t clip like ttc but they rest on top. You can see one going diagonally in post #17.

What I've found though is that the angles on the triangular floor sections are not condusive to linking the sets together outside of choosing one long edge only.
Which could work, but you might have to work out what wedges you need.

Alternatively… what I will do is use some more of those floating walkways I mentioned above and interconnect via a storage tank/other cylindrical tower. Then you have a 360° angle to link to anything!!
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Not sure I'm picturing this right, are you trying to make a half octagon with the 2 parts or are you wanting to stack one on the other?
Not sure I'm picturing this right, are you trying to make a half octagon with the 2 parts or are you wanting to stack one on the other?
I'm trying to have the two tallest platforms as separate parts joined by the smaller pieces. The angles on the sides of the cloudbuster makes even a mirror setup not clip together.
I see what you mean. It looks like you're going to have to either use small bridges or make a small rim or lip that can connect to both sides. You might want to make it 30-32mm just to ensure you can use the side rails for ascending with anything up to Goliath size.
You could do something simple with some mesh and cardboard for a ledge to key on, perhaps.
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The first thing I thought was "Is that a Nerf gun"
That's looking good but I can't wait to see it on the table with some context.
This whole set almost demands the N17 Underhive toxic waste pool rules to be used!!

(Reduces toughness if you’re stood in them is the quick explanation. If you want a more thorough one I’ll have to hunt out the book)
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I'm just starting on some TT Combat sets myself. Somehow I'd missed this until now, but glad I found it. I don't think I'll go for quite as much goo on my own though.
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