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I suppose not everything is cast in the eternal troll vs clone kerfluffle...

Right now my hobby brain is spinning between bringing Blood Bowl into the Bolt Action forum for some sporting cease fire gaming versus wondering if there's a soccer like set of rules that could be used simulate something akin to the WWI story.
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Right now my hobby brain is spinning between bringing Blood Bowl into the Bolt Action forum for some sporting cease fire gaming versus wondering if there's a soccer like set of rules that could be used simulate something akin to the WWI story.
The adjustments I would make are:
*goals are middle five squares in end zones
*only player with ball may be tackled (fouls to downed players still permitted)
*i go you go, a turn is over once all players have activated
*1 designated goal keeper per team, they may always attempt to intercept a shot regardless of their positioning (provided they are on their goal line)
*british choose from human, high elf + dwarf stats, Germans chose from orc, dark elf + skaven stats
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Time for my annual Blood bowl fix:

Iv got a couple of things to show, but this ones priority…

Iv put together two human teams made from a single box of Perry miniatures Agincourt English set. The grand plan is that I tempt my normie nephew into a game by firstly making them non fantasy, and secondly by painting them in our local football teams colours!

The Black Cats

The Magpies

over the next 24 hours I’ll be painting the blue team black and white stripes, representing Newcastle. (His favourite team-which is an understatement) and the reds will be red and white stripes representing Sunderland. (His most hated team- also an understatement)

Each team is identical, to allow for choices, but he’s the list:
-Coach (guy with axe)
-Assistant coach (flag pole)
-4 blitzers/midfielders (armour)
-4 catchers/forwards (raised arms)
-2 throwers/keepers (outstretched arms)
-6 linemen/defenders (the rest)

The coaches will be used as turn/reroll markers and the throwers/keepers will be painted differently to the rest of the team as per football (N-green S-Yellew)
Also, all the players will be named, something I’ll get him to do. But hopefully we get afew games in over the next few weeks and if a player dies then they are gone! Serious injuries will miss the next game, and badly hurt will just sit out of the game they’re in.

I just hope it works, otherwise I’ve got 36 minis I’ll probably never use! 😄
Cheers Spafe! It’s probably a shame that I know sod all about football, but I’ll keep a note over which players score/die and hopefully a yak or two can have a dark chuckle!

Of the couple of things I’d like to show, this is the second:

One of my workmates has shown an interest in the hobby, or at the very least showing they are a good friend, and seemed keen when I told him about blood bowl! So he got a box of Dark Elves, and I picked up a new box of undead as a display of hobbyism!? (Iv wanted them a while so I don’t feel guilty 😄 )
But then when I was next at the hobby shop, the box I bought had magically reappeared, so as to not anger any malign hobby spirit, I bought those too! (…ok, maybe a little guilty 🤗 )
It does mean iv got maximum choice for me roster tho, and less likely, possibly split the two sets to create an offensive and defensive team?

What I would like to say tho, is that these new kits just arnt fun at all!! I really love the minis when they are made, but having to go backward and forward between the instructions and sprue is a proper ballache!

This is a longer running project, so probably won’t see an update for a while, but if anyone has any advice for a starting undead lineup, I’d love to hear it! (I play the 90s edition btw)
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90's ed is the same as current I think, which is 2 mummy, 2 wights, 2 ghouls, 5 zombie and 3 rerolls. If you wish you can swap out a max of 2 zombie for 2 skellies (you want to keep at least 3 zombie for the line of scrimmage).

It's true of all new GW kits, they are lovel models but a chore to build.
But then when I was next at the hobby shop, the box I bought had magically reappeared, so as to not anger any malign hobby spirit, I bought those too! (…ok, maybe a little guilty 🤗 )
It does mean iv got maximum choice for me roster tho, and less likely, possibly split the two sets to create an offensive and defensive team?

I may be too late but, if you haven't opened that second box, see whether you can take it back and swap it for a Necromantic team. That way, you'll still have the ghouls and zombies that you need, but more variety of models and the option to play two different flavours of undead.
Mini update while I have a break painting stripes! (Why couldn’t he support manU or Chelsea?)

Sage advice, but I feel committed to the old school vibes of the …err… whatever these ones are!?
nice work man!

One thing that might help for the game, if you paint the different positionals with coloured rings on the bases to help identify who is who (red for blitzers, white for throwers etc)
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