Hi Everyone. First off, thanks for your support. I wondered if anyone would be interested in this kind of thing so it's great to see people along for the ride!
I've often wondered if I could do some commission painting as I'm pretty quick and efficient at painting squads and armies, but it's what I'd call a 'good tabletop' standard, rather than blow-your-socks-off Golden Demon standard and I'm not sure of the market for my level of painting...
Any chance we could see the minis you've painted for commission so far?
Sure thing, I'll be posting my WiPs here as I'm going through. I wouldn't worry too much about standards, you'll find there is a market for all. I got a query asking me to paint 90 of the same model to a tabletop standard. My price was way too high because I am neither quick nor efficient!
I would think that's the main demand. No one wants an army painted to GD standard. They just want their stuff to look good on the tabletop.
Absolutely, and there are much better painters than me out there, even here in the Tribe there are people a hell of a lot more talented than I am. Tribemeet meet once a year and I don't consider myself in the top three painters there and that is such a tiny cross section of the tribe!
Like any other product, it's a balance of time v cost v quality.
Many years ago I tried my hand at this, but I soon gave up on it as I wasn’t comfortable charging what I would’ve needed to to make it worthwhile.
That is something I really struggled with, it was hard to not feel cheeky asking for the fees. I roughly worked out to pay myself £4/hr. I realised almost immediately that for the reasons mentioned earlier - "excellence creep" - meant I end up putting much more time in so it's nearer £1.50/hr. You can't live on that, but I'll take it as a side hustle, and the fact that I'm doing something I enjoy and getting paid for it is cool. The correct price to sell your product is for the price the customer is willing to pay; that's another business tip from my MBA lol.
Ok, now for some updates.
Perturbed by the difference in my agreed commission price and the cash that was ending up in my account, I read back through the Ts & Cs of Fiverr and found it explained in such a way it was so easy to miss. Rather than explaining there was an admin fee or a commission to pay on your, er, commission, the Fiverr Ts & Cs state in the small print that "you will receive 80% of your fee". Wow. 20% is a chunk of cash to loose on a job. Again, I'm glad I'm taking this on as a side hustle.
Commission No 2.
Well, where to start on this one.
The flare up in my hands took over six weeks and an injection the size of a scaffold pole to clear, even after that I found that I had lost all endurance in my fingers and couldn't hold a paintbrush for more than 30-40 minutes before they began to shake and just kept dropping things. Not good. Since my injection though, I have improved gradually to the point I can do 3-4 hours of painting at a time now. This landed me slap-bang in the middle of the Christmas craziness and I've not had much time for anything. I'm currently nearly 2 months overdue this milestone which is really, really frustrating for me but for my client must be infuriating. I do keep in regular communication and they seem content. The brief was to paint 10 darkoath fell riders but with horses that looked like real wild horses rather than the box art. The minis are not to be based so that they can be magnetised so that they can be switched between bases for Old World and AoS done by the client. I have completed the first 3 minis, now that Christmas and my flare up is out of the way, I hope to get the remainder done by the end of the week.
Commission No 3.
I mentioned in my earlier post that I got another bite from Germany. Well this one is a biggie.
The project brief for this one is for en entire AoS Slaves to Darkness army. Now, I have had a couple of queries about full army commissions before and they never made it past the offer. This time the offer was accepted. I stressed to my client that I was suffering with Arthritis and I had another commission to finish before I started which would probably be in the new year and they were ok with that. As a matter of fact, both the commissions from Germany have stressed that the timeline isn't important, they would rather I took my time and produced the best quality I could.
The brief is to paint the minis as per the box art colour schemes on a wintery mud base. Minis I have to paint are:
1 Darkoath Wilderfiend
1 Nexus Chaotica
1 Tzarketh
5 Brand's Oathbound
3 Endless Spells
1 Darkoath Chieftain
1 Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed
10 Darkoath Fellriders
20 Darkoath Marauders
15 Chaos chosen
1 Daemon Prince
6 Ogroid Theridons
1 Eturnus
1 Exalted Hero of chaos
1 Darkoath War queen
1 Gaunt Summoner
1 Chaos Lord
1 Belakor
1 Abraxxia
1 Centurion Marshal
1 box Chaos Legionaires
10 Chaos Warriors
5 Chaos Knights
I've given myself 3-4 months to do this, although again, the client isn't fussed about a deadline and the agreed fee is £994. Progress isn't much as I've been concentrating on the first commission, but here's what that army currently looks like:
The box arrived and even though the label stated it was a gift, I picked up at £40 import tax bill. Damn. I was very particular to call out the import tax to my client but forgot that I would be paying import tax on what was sent to me. I guess, in my defence, commission no 1 was UK based, and commission no 2 I ordered the minis from Goblin. The client offered to cover the import tax bill but I felt as it was my mistake to not account for it that this wouldn't be fair so I swallowed the bill. Remember, this is a side hustle, I am not trying to make a living here!
This will be a huge test for me. First off, it is a lot of minis! but secondly, the client has shared images of his existing minis and they appear to be a very accomplished painter so I will feel even more pressure to get things perfect. Although, to be fair, S2D is probably my favourite AoS faction and there are some bucket-list minis on there that I would love to paint (Hello Belakor and Abraxxia, I'm looking at you!) so being paid to paint them is literally a dream come true. Even so, I need to speed up and get into a rhythm if I'm going to get this done in the timeframe.
Scores on the doors:
Money in: £79
Committed: £1,118
Money Out: £108 (stupid import tax!!)
Stolen by Fiverr: £223.60
Profit: £865.40