MankyMeet 2020 (Cancelled)


Officer, without number, head turner, troll burner
Staff member
Yak Comp 3rd Place
Tribe Council
Oct 30, 2016
Durham, uk
Cancelled Due to COVID-19






9am - 1am Saturday
9am - 9pm Sunday
(Friday evening Social 6pm+)

Code of Conduct:
-Respect the enemy crushed under your boot
-Bask in the reflected glory of your conqueror
-The dice gods are fickle, do not get upset when their plans manifest against you
-Violence, threats, or insulting language belong in the hive, not in the room
-Any rules conflicts will be decided by arbitrators
-Arbitrator decisions are final

TribeMeet T-shirts and Yak Merch:

Last Years Event:
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Britannia Country House Hotel
Palatine Rd, Didsbury, Manchester, M20 2WG

The Britannia Suite:

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Reactions: Kommissar Shriken
Most Wanted List

Gang Name: Blue Steel
House: Orlock
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Hive Guys.
Background: Long thought lost, the men of iron and forged blue steel will return to Mankfester to claim their rightful place as the ultimate hive builders.
Gang Name: Riders of the Storm
House: Orlock
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Yakdonalds
Background/Motivation: “Dude, You scratched my bike!” Clay and his gang had been enjoying tucking into some big yak burgers in yakdonalds when some fool in a hive guys uniform had ridden by and thrown a Molotov cocktail at the building, it had exploded and shards of glass had scratched Clay’s bike, The Riders of the Storm were now in hot pursuit, looked like he was heading for Mankfester, whether they caught him on the way or when he got to his destination, he was going to pay!
Gang Name: The Deft Punks
House: Goliath
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Hive Guys. As the lads say, If you want Real Meat™ go to Hive Guys.
The Deft Punks were not doing well. They'd come to Mankfester hoping to lay down some fresh beats at the Orange Wedding, but some prenuptial (dis)agreements led to it turning into a massacre. The groom, having just been shot in the gut by his bride to be, was not in a mood to party at the reception, and the Deft Punks were not getting paid.

Afterwards, while chilling with the gang at a Hive Guys, a nearby public announcement vox caster came on:
The Leader Formerly Known as Duke had an idea. Why entertain a small crowd when you can play for the whole town? The Deft Punks could get some real creds if they recorded a few ads. Plus, he was sure the local Hive Guys owners wouldn't mind a bit of muscle to stop whoever kept dropping tox bombs on their roof during lights out.
Gang Name: the Legitimate Entrepreneurs Association (the L.E.A)
House: Delaque
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Yakzuma's House of the Fungi Roll
Why did I sell out to them, thought Yakzuma. Gangs had muscled in before, but soon they would get on the guilders' bad side and get themselves driven off.
Gang Name: Crust Panzer's
House: Orlock
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Weedy's (veggie burger place)
Background/Motivation: It all begun when Dickie a been given the chance ingratiate himself into the local community. Officiate a wedding they had said meet the movers and shakers they said. It had all been a setup for the locals to shoot the warp out of each over. He'd been hit, not bad but enough to make him feel a fool and seek at the antagonists of the whole farce. (At this point are hero of the tale goes to Fury's Rest. Stuff that hasn't technically happened yet happens and our hero is left soggy very hungry and has slightly gone off fresh meat.).
"Well that was exiting" said Dickie to no one in particular. "I can't remember when I've ever been that hungry. What we need to do is find a place where the grub roams free. Maybe we should try Mankfester again, all those tasty squigs might still be roaming wild. Now they were tasty". " You're right boss" piped up mongrel. "That wyrd Devil chap we rolled with for a bit said it's because squigs is not made of meat but fungi or summit". "Not made of meat you say, well that's a relief. Especially after, you know, what we did, what we became". Not made of meat. The thought rolled around his mind for a few moment's, those burgers Gremlin had fried up had tasted as good as any grox burger on the market. This was something that could be; marketed, sold and easily turn a profit. Maybe get the lads going legit for a bit. After what they had been through they could do with a quite gig for a bit. That's it, he'd made his decision they would go back to Mancfester and carve them self out a niche market selling not meat burgers and woe betide anyone who got in their way or he would carve 'em up good and propa.
Name: Angharad's Angels
House: Escher
Fast Food: Slugway
Motive: To dominate the Mankfester fast food market with delicious Rat and Slug sandwiches made with freshly baked (never more than two weeks old or your money back) Corpse-Starch rolls.
Name : sons of the dragon King
House : cawdor
Fast food : Burger King.
Motive: with the plan of spreading there fast food chain throughout the underhive allowing them immense power and wealth but more importantly the ability to give anyone food poisoning whenever they need these Cawdor will promote there Burger king through any means necessary.
Name : The Lurkers
House : Goliath
Fast food : KFC (Kentucky Fried Corpse)

Motive: The leader of "The Lurkers" had originally been a lowly Goliath ganger with no prospects, until he came across a tattered poster of 80's Terran cartoon character "Lurky" who had red thunderbolt shoes, a love for color and was unknowingly evil.

Stealing his name, shoe colour and lack of awareness, the leader of "The Lurkers" has not looked back since. He brings his band of KFC (Kentucky Fried Corpse) loving Goliaths to Manchester looking for a fight and the promotion of colorful shoes.
Name: Rex's midnight runners
House: van saar
Fast food: Yo Starchi

Motivation: Yo Starchi has just set up a new franchise in the Domes and have contracted Rex's midnight runners to carve out a niche and more corpses.

Yo Starchi. A fusion of the beloved corpse starch with exotic off world recipes and techniques
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Reactions: ClockworkOrange
Reserved- crunch
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A chance to catch up with your fellow yaks, a beer or two with good northern tribesmen, and a weekend of non stop NCE Necromunda!

This post is likely to change as new info becomes available, but it is super early days so Im just trying to gauge interest and offer folks a chance to put forward any ideas and/or suggestions?
Hopefully it will be very similar to last years event, and I’m in the process of getting a date confirmed! I’m aiming for early October at the same hotel!

if anyone wishes to put their name down early and guarantee themselves a place, just fill in the information below, then you’ll be added to the most wanted list! As always, new members are very welcome and any lurkers are highly encouraged to sign up and become part of the best tribe of the grim dark future!....

(copy and paste, then fill in)
Gang Name:
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant:

previous event...

also....I won’t be making a seperate modelling thread this time, so feel free to share any works in progress on your Mankfester gangs, or to show of any terrain you might be bringing!
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I’ll be filling in the details and sending emails ...then filling in more details!
But essentially, I was really happy with the venue and how the last one went, so Im aiming for the same again!
Once iv got afew of the nuts and bolts tightened, I’ll have a better idea of how many places we have, but if anyone is All In Blind then fill out the mandatory sign in form then I’ll stick you on the Most Wanted List!
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, please put them forward! :)

Registration Form (copy and paste this, then fill it in):

Gang Name:
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant:
  • Like
Reactions: Biggle_Bear
Gang Name: Blue Steel
House: Orlock
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Five Guys.
Background: Long thought lost, the men of iron and forged blue steel will return to Mankfester to claim their rightful place as the ultimate hive builders.

More fluff will develop following their first encounters at Mankymeet.
Gang Name: Riders of the Storm
House: Orlock
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Yakdonalds
Background/Motivation: “Dude, You scratched my bike!” Clay and his gang had been enjoying tucking into some big yak burgers in yakdonalds when some fool in a hive guys uniform had ridden by and thrown a Molotov cocktail at the building, it had exploded and shards of glass had scratched Clay’s bike, The Riders of the Storm were now in hot pursuit, looked like he was heading for Mankfester, whether they caught him on the way or when he got to his destination, he was going to pay!
Gang Name: The Deft Punks
House: Goliath
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Hive Guys. As the lads say, If you want Real Meat™ go to Hive Guys.

Motivation: The Deft Punks were not doing well. They'd come to Mankfester hoping to lay down some fresh beats at the Orange Wedding, but some prenuptial (dis)agreements led to it turning into a massacre. The groom, having just been shot in the gut by his bride to be, was not in a mood to party at the reception, and the Deft Punks were not getting paid.

Afterwards, while chilling with the gang at a Hive Guys, a nearby public announcement vox caster came on:
The Leader Formerly Known as Duke had an idea. Why entertain a small crowd when you can play for the whole town? The Deft Punks could get some real creds if they recorded a few ads. Plus, he was sure the local Hive Guys owners wouldn't mind a bit of muscle to stop whoever kept dropping tox bombs on their roof during lights out.

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It depends on the exact dates but signs are positive that I can make this one. Can you put me down for now.

This time I'd be bringing a more serious gang (that I'm yet to get started on). I don't have a concrete backstory that suits the look that I plan but I will jump ahead with a gang name and stuff anyway.

Gang Name: the Legitimate Entrepreneurs Association (the L.E.A)
House: Delaque
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Yakzuma's House of the Fungi Roll
Why did I sell out to them, thought Yakzuma. Gangs had muscled in before, but soon they would get on the guilders' bad side and get themselves driven off.

But these delaque! They truly are snakes. They always have there bases covered. Yakzuma was certain they had committed several murders but nothing could be proven. According to all the records they were peaceful, law abiding citizens. And now they were the majority shareholders in his establishment. And they were here to stay.
Opening post updated and two notorious scum added to the most wanted list!
(going to need some text from you undertaker, a trophy picture with a dead cl....cll.....cllo.....
beautiful creation of science, just isn’t the best way to introduce yourself!)
(...Iv fixed your pic for you, no need for thanks!)
I don't know if having a franchise terrain piece is a requirement but here is a link to a discussion on the topic.

Gang Name: Crust Panzer's
House: Orlock
Favorite Underhive Fast Food Restaurant: Weedy's (veggie burger place)
Background/Motivation: It all begun when Dickie a been given the chance ingratiate himself into the local community. Officiate a wedding they had said meet the movers and shakers they said. It had all been a setup for the locals to shoot the warp out of each over. He'd been hit, not bad but enough to make him feel a fool and seek at the antagonists of the whole farce. (At this point are hero of the tale goes to Fury's Rest. Stuff that hasn't technically happened yet happens and our hero is left soggy very hungry and has slightly gone off fresh meat.).
"Well that was exiting" said Dickie to no one in particular. "I can't remember when I've ever been that hungry. What we need to do is find a place where the grub roams free. Maybe we should try Mankfester again, all those tasty squigs might still be roaming wild. Now they were tasty". " You're right boss" piped up mongrel. "That wyrd Devil chap we rolled with for a bit said it's because squigs is not made of meat but fungi or summit". "Not made of meat you say, well that's a relief. Especially after, you know, what we did, what we became". Not made of meat. The thought rolled around his mind for a few moment's, those burgers Gremlin had fried up had tasted as good as any grox burger on the market. This was something that could be; marketed, sold and easily turn a profit. Maybe get the lads going legit for a bit. After what they had been through they could do with a quite gig for a bit. That's it, he'd made his decision they would go back to Mancfester and carve them self out a niche market selling not meat burgers and woe betide anyone who got in their way or he would carve 'em up good and propa.