So, April is upon me and the weather had enough of a break for me to be able to get outside, shake up the rattle can Primer and get some things… primed!!
So I’ve based up the Escher I received from @Sobek and got some lovely white primer on them. Then some brown on the base.
The fifth member is having a luxurious bath in some Dettol to strip some remaining paint fragments and then I’ll get her done too.
Even though I’ve got Escher here, despite they fit my brightly coloured painting style I’ve not actually ever painted any!!
I’ve always found the 90s metals daunting for some reason, super small sculpts and really nice - just don’t want to ruin them. So I’ve gotta get over that and tackle them - if I can get 10-12 done then maybe I can give them an outing at YakMeet later this year??
The next up is this selection of modern plastic Orlocks:
You saw a few above in my Chimera (which is mostly reassembled now) so I’ve got a few more primed and base textured too.
It’s a zenithal prime (ooh, fancy) of black, then hit at a 45° angle with Citadel Grey Seer. Then a little blast from directly above.
I’ve got the base texture on too - for these Ash Wastes dudes I’ve given them AW bases - saving the fancy ZM bases for future use elsewhere. It’s just AK Interactive Dark Earth with some ballast mixed in for added roughage. It’ll be given a drybrush of mid, then light grey. If you want to see it in action, I used it on the TV crew a few posts above.
I like doing bases first these days, much easier to tidy them up rather than feet/legs of models.
Will be Contrast painting on the Orlocks, with a quick highlight of regular paint after in an effort to get another basic Gang done. Did a test, worked fine.
And yes, I’ve used the Harpoon launcher. Mostly because the heavy Stubber is elsewhere. And I only had one sprue of them.
But I will be adding ‘signature’ weapons into the collection such as the Goliath Krumper and Escher Nightshade so this fits fine.
So I’ve based up the Escher I received from @Sobek and got some lovely white primer on them. Then some brown on the base.
The fifth member is having a luxurious bath in some Dettol to strip some remaining paint fragments and then I’ll get her done too.
Even though I’ve got Escher here, despite they fit my brightly coloured painting style I’ve not actually ever painted any!!

The next up is this selection of modern plastic Orlocks:
You saw a few above in my Chimera (which is mostly reassembled now) so I’ve got a few more primed and base textured too.
It’s a zenithal prime (ooh, fancy) of black, then hit at a 45° angle with Citadel Grey Seer. Then a little blast from directly above.
I’ve got the base texture on too - for these Ash Wastes dudes I’ve given them AW bases - saving the fancy ZM bases for future use elsewhere. It’s just AK Interactive Dark Earth with some ballast mixed in for added roughage. It’ll be given a drybrush of mid, then light grey. If you want to see it in action, I used it on the TV crew a few posts above.
I like doing bases first these days, much easier to tidy them up rather than feet/legs of models.
Will be Contrast painting on the Orlocks, with a quick highlight of regular paint after in an effort to get another basic Gang done. Did a test, worked fine.
And yes, I’ve used the Harpoon launcher. Mostly because the heavy Stubber is elsewhere. And I only had one sprue of them.
But I will be adding ‘signature’ weapons into the collection such as the Goliath Krumper and Escher Nightshade so this fits fine.
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