N17 Inquisimunda - Wargear


Feb 11, 2018
Hi guys,

@abhorash is currently working on Wargear, including an amazing work on drugs ;)

I'm trying to work on armours and I would like to get your opinion on two topics:

1. About the different armours:
- In N17, there is several types of armours, ranging from 6+ to 4+, some with special rules. The names of this different armours could introduce some confusions (e.g: Flak is 6+ in N17, 5+ in 40k so what is an appropriate value for Eldar Guardians?)
- In Inquisimunda V2.0, the armours were in line with NCE. A power armour (3+) was added. In addition, armours came in two variants (open and enclosed).
- What do you think if we keep the costs from N17 but let players decide which armour level is more appropriate for their fighters? There won't be any Flak, Carapace, Power armour but a 6+ armour, a 5+ one, etc.
- We already have cost for 6+ to 4+ from N17, we just need to define an appropriate cost for 3+. It could be something like this:
  • 6+ Armour (5TG) --> NBC and Flak in N17 are 10TG for a 6+ & a special rule
  • 5+ Armour (15TG) --> Mesh in N17
  • 4+ Armour (80TG) --> Light Carapace in N17
  • 3+ Armour (200TG?)

2. About the N17 Undersuit:
- This equipment could be worn in addition to an armour, giving a +1 save bonus for 25 credits.
- This could potentially destroy any attempt to correctly balance the armour cost (for 105 credits you get a power armour equivalent, just 5 credits above the price of a heavy carapace... and for 40 credits you get an improved mesh (4+) at half the cost of a carapace armour). Are you ok to skip this wargear in Inquisimunda?

Thanks for your feedbacks about this ;)
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Yeah I am all for the simplified categories of armour vs listing every potential name an armour could have. And axing the undersuit makes enough sense from a balance perspective that I don't think it will drum up too much fuss. Nice work to both you and @abhorash, @alphonse (y) Very intrigued by what you might have as a WIP master document for all this so far :)
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I agree that the armoured undersuit is unbalanced, it probably works OK with the standard N17 gangs where 6+ is the norm but it's not needed with the expanded options in Inquisimunda.

That said, I think 200TG is probably a bit on the high side? I get that it does jump quite a bit from 5+ to 4+, but I can't see anyone spending 1/5 of their list on a single piece of equipment? I'd maybe go a bit lower (140-160ish?) but obviously make it the highest rarity level possible.

Totally agree with just giving costs for each level of save and letting people fluff it out as they see fit though!
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Here is the wargear i have been working on. (I don't have my hands on GW3, but im going to hunt for it tonight.)

I have been trying to keep the original ideas of the drugs from inq, mostly fixing typos and imprecise rules.
If someone has any ideas for other gang specific item, please say!
Also COMMENTS PLEASE! I'm pulling half the drug prices out of my ass, so I have no idea how well they hit the mark.
@Blood Donor : Thanks ;) I will update the draft in the vault as soon as possible! For now, all the weapons stats, costs and rarity are ready. Maybe I will delay the Wargear in a next update. @abhorash is currently making great progress on it and we could help with costs all together :)

@Lysimachus 200TG is too high for a Power Armour equivalent, I agree with You.
Trying to guess the cost with an analogy:
- Furnace plates grants a 6+ save & a 5+ on the front 90° arc for 10TG
- Mesh armour grants a 5+ save on 360° for 15TG (so a 50% increase in cost)
- Heavy carapace armour grants a 4+ save & a 3+ on the front arc for 100TG
- A Power armour could grant a 3+ save on 360° for a 50% increase: 150TG (you were so accurate with your 140-160 (y))

Due to the non linear relation between the armours costs, I will be more tempted to set a slightly higher price of 160TG (in respect to the current scale: 5, 15, 80, 160?)
...Furnace plates grants a 6+ save & a 5+ on the front 90° arc...

I think that since I'munda includes so much more material than the Necro system that even inclusions of such armour variables might slow gameplay more than reward players with unique strategic circumstances. I am not trying to push the stance really, but I think that having 4 types of armour at 4 different cost points is a thing of pure beauty :)
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@Blood Donor Yes, I totally agree with you. The furnace plates example was just there for its price point. Let’s keep a 4 armours list ;)
I’ve updated the draft in the vault just a few minutes ago if you want to get a look at the new Armoury and Bizarre Bazaar :)
A thought on the descriptions and distinctions on the armours....
For example, a +6 armour save is from a Wych light Bodyglove (as depicted on the model) or a Flak vest on your Ex-imperial guardsman.
A +5 armour save is from a full Imperial guard Flak armour or your Tau Pathfinders light armour.

A short a descriptive part on the armours can help players (like me that likes converting) to build a more fun character.

There is a difference between Marius the Ex-imperial guarsman, in his old and battered imperial guard Flak armour, his trusted lasgun and a couple of grenades. Rulewise you pay for a +5 armour save, but the description is important for the story.

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How about Psychic Hoods? Something that helps defend against psychic Powers. If we look at the Blanks ability to negate attacks (3+ I Think) and apply it to a piece of Wargear for Psykers.

Rulewise: a 6+ chance to Negate a Psychic Power that affects the wearer. as a reaction to an Enemy Psykers attempt to activate a Psychic Power the wearer roll a Willpower test (unmodified). If you succeed the Enemy Psyker suffers a -2 penalty on its attempt to activate the Power...
Rare 12 and Costs 150 TG....

Thoughts? Ideas?
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Then we have the Psychic Powers...

How many Disciplines are we looking at? Should there be ONE general that anyone can draw from? Should there be a Discipline fore every Chaosgod (well, not Khorne...)?

I have the old Dark Imperium (2nd Edition WH40K) with the Discipline cards. How about converting them to necromunda? maybe some of the old Minor Psychic Powers from Necromunda is usable for a General Discipline of Powers?

Thoughts? Ideas?
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Then there are animals.......
Use them as mounts, the old rules from Mordheim can be used for your mount...
Or have a Vicious Cybermastiff as bodyguard...

Some stats are in GW3, others we can use from older Resources.

Thoughts? Ideas?
I have the old Dark Imperium (2nd Edition WH40K) with the Discipline cards. How about converting them to necromunda? maybe some of the old Minor Psychic Powers from Necromunda is usable for a General Discipline of Powers?
This is a great idea to start with Psychic powers :)
I haven't thought about psykers for a while, focusing on other topics, but don't you think we could manage psychic powers by the same keywords system as the rest? For instance, Genestealer sect as access to Genestealer psychic powers, Same for other chaos gods, same for Aeldari and Orks. We will end up with a last 'category' of generic powers (?)

Some stats are in GW3, others we can use from older Resources.
This is the easier to start with for creatures/familiars/constructs ;)
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I wonder whether we could simplify psychic powers in the same way as the armoury? I think a smaller number of well thought out abilities (with fluff created by the user to match have their force) might be better than trying to create a long list of unique powers.

As an example, Smite is available in some form to all psykers. We could do a similar thing, eg a flamer template power that ignores standard saves could equally depict a blast of sorcerous flame, a vomit of nurgly corruption, a miasmic gas of blissful agony or a roiling cloud bursting with Waagh energy, etc, etc... same power, fluff to fit your warband?

This would vastly simplify the Powers section and actually allow a greater choice of powers (i.e. a choice of 10 powers that any psyker can pick from is better than trying to design and balance 5 or 6 for each team?)
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@alphonse The Psychic Powers from Dark Imperium 2nd Ed has Powers for Chaos (3 gods), Eldar (now the Aeldari) Orks and Tyranids (which genestealer cults could use) as well as Space Marines (including Chaos Space Marines) and a general set that almos everyone could use.

I'll start converting and put psychic Powers down here for review.

Thoughts? Ideas?
I've been away from Imunda for a while (been playing a lot of 40K). I agree with the generic armour 5+,4+ etc having a set cost. How about keeping all the armour generic, but being able to add traits? What I was thinking was 3+ Eldar armour (Aspect armour) could add a mandiblaster, hawk wings etc. A human 3+ armour must have a MIU or there would be a -1 initiative value. Tau suits could buy a jump packs etc. I suppose a sort equipment list for armour. Just a thought that needs exploring.
The thing about the N17 armour cost scheme is that those costs are balanced around the assumption that armoured undersuits are a thing. Carapace is as expensive as it is precisely because you can tack on an armoured undersuit and get the equivalent of power armour. If you take out armoured undersuits, you really have to work out costs again from the ground up.

What I'd do is simply use the armour types as they exist in N17, with an equivalency chart for xenos races. Then you just add a sidebar for power armour mentioning that it's the equivalent of carapace plus an armoured undersuit or bodyglove (which, when you think about it, is actually a pretty accurate description of power armour's defensive elements). You could even get Heresy-era Mk III by using heavy carapace with an undersuit. This also has the benefit of maintaining equivalency if you ever want to run an Inquisimunda warband against a Necromunda gang.

This could then be further added to with other wargear, much like @scavvyjay suggested. Want to emulate the "power" part of Astartes-grade power armour? Get yourself a servo suit. Full helmet? Rebreather and photo-goggles. Et cetera.
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Armor penetrating weaponry is much more prevalent in inquisimunda, to the point that I would keep the undersuit. Servo suit + carapace armor + undersuit + conversion field does a good job of imitating what would be power armor...

The hard part is balancing house lists in a systematic fashion.
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