N17 Inquisimunda - Weapons

Do we include all currently available weapons from N17 (in particular those in orange below)?

  • All Pistols from N17

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • All Basic weapons from N17

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • All Heavy weapons from N17

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • All Special weapons from N17

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • All Grenades from N17

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • All Close combat weapons from N17

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I've recently been working out a list for one of my warbands using the Venators and had a very similar problem, I had just enough points for Hunter Leader, 2 Champs plus the necessary 3 Hunters and then given the main characters the equipment shown on the minis, at which point I was really struggling for enough credits for extras like armour or sidearms.

Inquisimunda is probably going to be very similar. Partly I think it's ok, because Inq54/28 warbands are typically smaller teams (often having only 3 or 4 members) than Necromunda gangs, so Inquisimunda warbands should probably fall somewhere in between? However, I do think a small increase in starting budget would be appropriate. Maybe not an extra 500... perhaps 200...?
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@Lysimachus Totally agree with you! And we haven't talk about some expensive species like Ogryn (100TG a base model) or Sslyth (140TG), Bionics, Mutations (+20TG on average per fighter), or Psyker (suddenly, a level 3 Psyker seems almost unreachable at +100TG).

I have often read that 10 "standard" models max per warband is a sweet spot for players/modelers. Naturally starting at a lower number (8?), that means that you should get 4 warriors and 4 "special guys" (Leader, Champ, Heavy, initiates) for a starting warband?

Just to give a take on another "simulation": imagine wishing to play a really basic Tau Strike Team. Nothing fancy, just a squad leader and its standard Fire warriors (I know some could tell: "just play Kill Team man!" but hey, let's admit we would like to explore the story of a small squad lost into a warp influenced sector, slowly becoming corrupted by the force of chaos).

Shopping list for each Fire warrior:
  • 1 Tau species (20TG),
  • 1 warrior position (+25TG),
  • 1 Pulse rifle (60TG),
  • 1 photo flash flare (15TG),
  • one 4+ armor (80TG)
  • = 200TG per Fire warrior.
The Leader costs a little more due to his position, additionally we give him an honor blade (Fighting knife) and a Pulse pistol = 320TG for a Leader.

Sure when the construct rules will be implemented, we would surely enjoy a nice little gun drone, hoping it not being too expansive. But with an armor stats at 4+ and 2 pulse carbines, that will get us at least at 210TG.

Within 1000TG, we could play: 1 Leader, 1 Gun drone, 2 Fire warriors (930TG).
Within 1200TG: 1 Leader, 1 Drone, 3 FW.
Within 1500TG: 1 Leader, 1 Drone, 4 FW. Could get up to 5 FW if they drop their photon grenades.

You're right, even at a round budget of 1500TG, this will be a very small skirmish game! We don't always have the same problem in N17, since everybody starts pretty poor in a campaign. It will surely be very intense at this scale ;)
I worry that the more the starting TG is pushed up the closer it turns into just a 40k skirmish game. While I do want players to have the freedom to make large squad sizes I don't just want a "tiny" scale 40k. Perhaps make a standard round number of 1250TG as a "Moderate starting point" but then give the option among players in a group to start at 2000 or even 1000? You could make an addendum in the war band creation section about it. This I think would hinge on the ability to accrue TG via missions and recruit/re-equip. The rate(and importantly the max TG your total party can be worth) should/will impact what sort of war band you can start with. That's my thought on it at least.
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I worry that the more the starting TG is pushed up the closer it turns into just a 40k skirmish game.
It is my concern too. But I would also like to avoid the frustration some players would feel if they can't fit even a small warband into the starter budget.

5-men team seems very low to me: it may make some N17 rules very inappropriate (thinking about Leader and champions ability to activate other fighters at the same time: in 2 turns, you have played all of your fighters).

I agree that 10+ guys is more a 40k kill team than Inquisimunda.

Could we test different simulated warbands of 6-8 men, decently equipped with wargear (even if our warbands lists are not completely ready to use)? It will give us a better idea of what it feels in terms of TG.

@Hungryclone Otherwise, it is a good idea to let players decide the starting budget. (By the way, do we say: starter budget, starting TG, start stash? What is correct?)
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Something along these lines was being discussed earlier in the year, I think someone came up with the name 'Inquismunda Unleashed'. The idea is that this is good clean (narrative) fun between consenting adults, so feel free to ignore any credits/squad composition restrictions in order to put together the fluffy warbands you want, that fit the narrative you're seeking. Credits/points costs are still important for balancing purposes (or to know/deliberately create a narrative imbalance).
Unleashed is still very much part of the plan (well, I don't want to speak for Alphonse or anyone else, it's very much part of my plan!!!) but it seems that it will work best as an addition to the rest of the Inquisimunda17 rules. Hence I think it's been put to one side while main things like armoury/costs/skills/psykers are finished off. I definitely plan to go back to Unleashed once the main rules are done!
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Hi guys! Sorry for the delay (living in a parallel universe is not always easy lol). Yes, the wonderful work of @Lysimachus on Unleashed is still part of the DNA of the new Inquisimunda. The plan was to finish the main rules to prevent a lot of constant reworking of the unleashed part. We are almost ready to go.
For memory, we have set cost for positions, species, weapons and wargear in line with N17 costs to benefit from the same balance. It has been a little bit uneasy since the cost and rules have been officially revised during the last months (by the way, I'm very happy with the GW3 update).
We then have worked on mutations, bionics and initiated an attempt to introduce Psychic Powers. There is still a lot of work to do on this.
For now, I would like to finish a first version of the warbands list. I'm hopeful that will be very useful for Unleashed, and that will open a lot of possibilities. To be completely honest: there is no more a warbands list. Instead, the next update will introduce a modular system for "endless" combinations. This is permitted by the keywords system we have previously implanted. Much simpler to manage and balance than a dedicated list of rules and equipment for each warband. I'm working hard on it but it really takes a lot of time to make it as swift as possible. Sorry for that. Hope to not disappoint you all on that!
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I can't think of any earthly reason why baseline humans shouldn't have access to web pistols when genestealer cults do. All the cult's non-biomorph weaponry comes through human channels, after all.

And how is it that daemon weapons still aren't a thing in Inquisimunda? Is it just that nobody's come up with a decent set of rules yet? If so, allow me to take a stab at it:

Daemon Weapons: Use the profile of any "basic" melee weapon (sword/axe/etc.) with an additional +1S, -1 Save modifier and two of the following:
  1. Heartrender: When rolling Injury dice for wounds inflicted by this weapon, roll twice and choose either result.
  2. Souldrinker: Whenever a wound is inflicted by this weapon, its wielder may regain a Wound or remove a Flesh Wound suffered earlier in the battle on a roll of 4+.
  3. Corrupter: Whenever a wound is inflicted by this weapon, the wounded character immediately suffers an additional Flesh Wound.
  4. Quicksilver: The weapon's wielder gains +2A and may Parry an additional time (or once if the base weapon didn't already have the Parry special rule).
  5. Daemonic Fury: The weapon's wielder gains an additional +1S, +1A and the Frenzy special rule.
  6. Warp Flame: The weapon gains the Blaze special rule, and may be used as a shooting weapon with the (unmodified) profile of a Flamer.
The weapon's attributes may be chosen if the daemon weapon is taken at warband creation, but must be rolled otherwise (re-roll duplicate results). A warrior with a Mark of Chaos may choose to replace any rolled attribute with the one appropriate to their Mark, if it wasn't rolled. A daemon weapon wielded by or against an Untouchable is treated as an ordinary weapon of its type with no further special attributes.

These rules make daemon weapons rather powerful, which is deliberate; if they weren't any better than a power sword there wouldn't be much point in going to the trouble. (I'll leave costing to someone who's better at that sort of thing.) I also thought it might be cool to have a chance for the wielder to become possessed (in the same manner as a psyker) if they go Out Of Action, but as those rules have yet to be written for this edition I'll leave it alone for now.
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This is looking fantastic so far. Just made myself a rebel grot list. There wasn't much variety in the weapons for grots though. Everyone had to have a stub gun and an axe/hammer.
I have spent a few hours breaking the weapons statistics in N17 down into algebraic functions and there is no formula at all for weapon costs. In some instances improving weapons decreases cost.

Would it be worth creating a sensible pricing system for weapons and gear rather than just porting across the N17 stuff?