

Jul 28, 2015
Andover, Hampshire, UK

I have had a go at converting Mordheim to the new Necromunda rules (Not sure what to call it- Necroheim? Mordmunda? M17 edition?).

It's far from perfect, to be honest it's cobbled together a bit like Frankenstein's monster, and there's probably more than a few mistakes. But maybe some people will have fun with this, and maybe even make their own house rules from it.

Let me know what you think. :)

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I just found this and it is absolutely incredible - our group is thinking of giving it a swing. What was your process for converting profiles and assigning Cool, Intelligence, and the like. Was considering trying to convert a few more of the warbands over.
I just found this and it is absolutely incredible - our group is thinking of giving it a swing. What was your process for converting profiles and assigning Cool, Intelligence, and the like. Was considering trying to convert a few more of the warbands over.
Thanks. It’s always nice to hear people like it. For the profiles I used WFB 3rd edition and warhammer armies 3rd edition, which has Ld, Cl, Int, Wp. I think hero warriors have +1 Ld and Cl, hero magic users have+1 Int and Wp (I have it written down somewhere).
Let me know what you think. I haven’t posted it in many places yet. So feedback is always welcome and I can update the rules.
Love this! Our group have been talking about doing Necroheim, so I'm very pleased to see someone has already done all of the hard work 😂. The only issue I've got so far is that the pdf isn't very searchable. Looks like only headings come up in a search, I get no results from the body of the text. That would make it much more user-friendly 🙏

Have you had much chance to playtest it yourself?
This looks great! I'd also be interested in knowing a bit more. There's a few versions in the google drive, with some bits in red and yellow - what's the distinction between them?
I really like the Rulebook and would give it a go. Is there any possibility to get the editable version? I would really love to include some of my own changes.
Just downloaded it and it looks great. Two things I noticed off the bat. The Full Plate Armor is listed as granting a 6+ Save. I assume you meant it to be a 4+. Also territory is mentioned regarding being staked, but there is no list of territory nor rules/benefits for territory control in the rules.