N18 Necromunda: Ash Wastes

Well, that would be great for sure.

Also I would like a more survival-focused campaign, with fewer resources.
The new necro although it has great things, it is a bit too much buoyant, with the support of the noble houses and all those powerful weapons with relative ease to obtain, I miss the time when to get a heavy stubber you had to sweat and be lucky, then you were looked with envy by the others gangs 😁
One thing I'm curious about is if the Houses will get their own unique vehicles or if there will be generic vehicles (perhaps with customization kits).

I'd be happy either way, really. I would enjoy taking a generic vehicle kit and turning it into a ramshackle Cawdor vehicle festooned with relics and religious icons.
I'm at the point with Necromunda rules that I assume any book will be awful until proven otherwise, so I'll definitely not buy in on release...

But if the rules turn out to be fun and not horrendously poorly written, then you bet I'm in! Me and a friend started making vehicles for a game called Gelida, so I've got some half-finished Escher sidecar motorbikes, quad bikes, and a weaponised snowmobile that I'd love to finish up and get on the table!
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I'm here for the fun weird stuff and the fiction so this is great for me andd I would be hyped if I let myself get hyped for anything nowadays.
Watching the announcement clip posted on wahammer-community, I think we might see Ash-Wastes Nomads enter the picture as a gang. There appeared to be a new style of weapon and distorted figures on some kind of mount.

Anyway, I'm excited for it, but don't have high hopes or anything. I'm a fan of outcasts though, so maybe the Necro team is on the up and up.
I totally forgot and missed the start time but yeah I wasn't expecting Ash Waste so I'm surprised and just as excited.

The Ash Waste Cinematic Trailer reminds me a lot of Borderlands. So I could imagine that there will be maybe sand buggies. Then the nomads and probably some kind of desert ant? I like the transport convoy train made of containers. Orlocks will play an important role, as expected. I'm just unsure if the ones outside with the possibly leather helmets (?) are only road train guards or maybe an alliance or second new gang? Maybe some kind of dune riders with buggies?
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While the news that Necromunda continues to expand is welcome, like others on this thread I'll wait and see what actually comes of it.

I would have been more interested in more gangs being announced for current Necromunda, especially the gangs that were in the 1995 version / Outlanders supplement but not in the current version. Sure, going to the wastes with the expansion into vehicles is cool, I just hope they get around to expanding the Underhive a bit more at some point.
I’m excited - been looking forward to Ash Wastes since they first teased the concept art a few years ago. I hope it’s also the first in a number of new settings that can be introduced over the medium to long term. I think I recall Eye Of Selene and some of the other hives being mooted at some point.

It seems obvious there’s going to be at least a few sets of new models:
- A few of the rumour engine images look like they correspond to elements of the Orlock Ash Train shown in the trailer
- The logo, video, and concept art all hint at Ash Waste nomads.

Whatever comes, I’m hyped for new models whether as discrete kits in themselves or to kitbash with existing ones.

Rules-wise, also excited. The more official tools there are to tailor campaigns the better. I’m sure there’ll be the usual typos, vague areas, and unexpected interactions, but our group has never found it particularly arduous to resolve these - either by just re-reading or with a quick house rule.

As has been the case since the Book of Peril, trying to include everything from all the books at once is a fool’s errand. But being able to pick certain elements to reflect the campaign/story you and your group want to do is always great.
Adding vehicular combat and Ash Waste Nomads to the game sounds great, imho. I hope the vehicles aren’t insanely expensive and the rules aren’t TOO complicated. The truck-train in the video was made from converted 40K cargo containers; I liked that concept. It’s a vehicle you could make today and wouldn’t be too hard to pull off. We’ve also got the GS Cult vehicles and the Taurox to work with, along with Ork trukks and battlewagons. I’ve had the parts to build a Sump Trawler for several years now; I probably won’t have it assembled or painted before this expansion comes out and Sump Sea battles will be passé. 😢 Ah well, Mad Max is rad, so I’m glad to see this aspect of Necromunda finally get a chance in the limelight.
I have a little trepidation for it, mostly because it’s basically a potential escalation of the power creep and imbalance we’ve seen in recent books.

I hope it’s got some cool new gangs and all that (sure it will have) but it’s more the addition of the Houses that worries me.

We already have that story about a Leman Russ and given their usual gang discrimination I wouldn’t be surprised to see Escher riding large cats vs Orlocks Tanks, Cawdor on Rickety trucks vs Van Saar Airships and then the inevitable Delaque release where they can psychically teleport buildings the size of the Bastion around.

This is mostly because they seem to go on cool concepts and have zero restraint.
I'm quite suprised. I expected them to go full Mad Max but this trailer, ist setting, its music, is more of a western B-movie than anything related to the George Miller's franchise...?
The truck-train in the video was made from converted 40K cargo containers; I liked that concept. It’s a vehicle you could make today and wouldn’t be too hard to pull off.

I've already seen a few posted in FB groups (they're NOT mine):


I'm pleased for the community. I know there are a lot of folk looking forward to this.

Personally though, I have zero interest in investing a small fortune in Necro-morka. I actually like Necromunda.

At least I can use Outcast to make Ratskin Renegades and Scavvies.
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I'm excited. Very excited.

New settings? Yes, please.
New gang? Yes, please.
Vehicles? YES, PLEASE.

Although as we know, many things might go wrong, as is usual with Necromunda books, proofreading, and rule consistency as well.
As well as vehicles. I always liked the thought of using small vehicles, be it a bike, makeshift buggy, or an improvised gun truck in the Underhive. I, however, hope the vehicles will be a mere extension of the gang, not something the gang revolves around in the (possibly) new campaign, and that the vehicles will be modular and customizable, and that gangers can embark and disembark, vehicles break down, and need a crew. And it will not be tanks...

I already converted a bike, and patrol hovercar for my Enforcers, and I hope I could make a Land Speeder Storm conversion I plan to make work as well.
I was also going to do conversions with the Atalan Jackals and an ork Trukk, just for the heck of it.
And by the way it seems that there will be more than just vehicles in the expansion...

From Warhammer community.

I started to wonder... what if the Ash nomads are Exodites? :unsure:

They look like eldarish in the art and in the new intro.
They seem preternaturally agile jumping over the train.
They ride beasts.
Mysterious people no one really know...
And they are now releasing stuff for the Eldar in 40k.

What if the famous Ash waste nomads are a group of Exodites who have lived in Necromunda for a long time, isolated and hiding from humans?
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Because the article states of the factions that “only some of whom will be familiar to longtime inhabitants of the underhive”, I reckon that we could be seeing scavvies and mutants amongst their number.

Before Outlanders changed them to the sump-dwellers we know and love, they were originally described in Confrontation as populating the shanty towns surrounding the perimeter of the base of the hive.

Bring ‘em back there, I say!
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