Greetings! I've been on this site for a while but this is my first time posting anything in the forums. I've wanted to join a Necromunda Underhive campaign for the longest time but I simply cannot find anyone to play with in my area. I figured that going online would help with this so I started playing around with Tabletop Simulator. I found a decent amount of resources for playing the game and I've even gotten to play some games with a few of my friends, but still I haven't been able to get a campaign started. So I've decided to try my luck here in the hopes that I can finally experience a full campaign. Anyone interested in playing please respond, I'd like to get up to 6 players, but more are certainly welcome! I don't have much experience in running a Necromunda Underhive campaign, so if someone would like to volunteer for that then go ahead, otherwise I'll do my best to step up to that role.