New Chorfs have appeared


Gang Hero
Feb 17, 2011
Essex, UK

Quite a bit of info for the first preview. It looks like quite a nerf. They lose tackle on the blockers, and gain a slew of pretty weak skills in return. I've always been arguing for ditching mass tackle on dwarfs and chorfs, but I would have wanted it replaced with arm bar on blockers and then reintroduced on another 0-2 positional. Now they just don't seem to have any tools to stop Amazons and Lizardmen walking past.

The firebreathers are almost certain to be worse blockers. Firebreathing looks pretty bad, and to pay for it I guess we'll be trading in either the block skill (making them effectively a blocker that starts at level -1), or a higher price (paying extra for nothing). Rerolls are 70k and we don't have sure hands, we're not looking to roll what are effectively 1-dice blocks. If the self-knockdown had been on a 0 (only a rosk against big guys), it would have been a nice safe defensive choice for a defensive team. As is, it's just a bad hybrid of tackle and dauntless; it hits blodgers (sort of) and big guys (sort of), but doesn't actually really inconvenience either. With no armour roll and no tackle, the wardancer is just going to get up and walk away. Trying it on a big guy is a 1/3 chance of either player going down, but only the chorf has to take an armour roll. A half-dice block with block would have been better.

All four blockers will be needing guard first skill, these guys will probably need block, mighty blow will have to wait. They'll be not-losing the brawling game and losing the ball-playing game hard.

The hobgoblin stabber is uh a guy. There's not much they can trade out from a hobgoblin statline, so I guess it's probably just 'do you want to pay 20k extra for two weak skills'. Not really. If stab/shadowing is what Chorfs end up resorting to to handle skinks and Zons, they're cooked. If the guy is like... S2 MA7 with Agility access at 40k, maybe they have something to think about. But as it stands it looks like two blockers got worse and there's a new meme option.

So, not looking great. Full rules aren't out, and with the right stats and skill access on the hobgoblin and a prompt errata for firebreathing they might have something new to do. But they're not going to be defending anything any more, the days of Chorfs being hard to score against looknto be over. I picked Chorfs for this year's league because I had a suspicion the team I had would be obsolete this year, so I'm happy to have had a go with them. If the creator I bought from make an expansion pack I'll probably get it for the sake of having a current team, but I don't have a lot of confidence in what's been revealed so far.
To be honest, I haven't played Second Season at all, so I'm not sure of the current 'meta'. But I think it's a bit premature to draw these conclusions without having seen the full roster.

I'm assuming that they will be down to 0-4 chorf blockers plus 0-2 fire breathers. But we don't know their stats or costs. If they really are worse blockers, then they may even cost less. I think it more likely that they'd cost more but, in that case, there's no reason to assume that they lose anything.

Their breath attack gives you a 50% chance to get your target at least prone, even if they would be (slightly) higher strength or have blodge. That's not terrible. True, it's likely only placed prone, but if you get a wardancer down, then you can foul him with your hobgoblins.
Super cool models though whatever the rules end up being. Those centaurs look hench.

That firebreathing skill could be a bit better written, no? What happens on a 0? Is it a modified or natural 1 that causes the self knockdown. My guess is it’s supposed to be a modified 0-1 that causes the self knock down but plenty of room for debate over it!
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Chorfs have been powerhouses in leagues and tournies since CRP days. Consistently cheap for the power they could bring to the table

Losing Tackle just means they have to take it, vs launching immediately into Guard, Mighty Blow, Claw etc. Slows down the Chorf meat grinder. On the flip side, their only real natural predators (Claw Chaos Types) now cant ding the Chorf Blockers themselves. So in the higher end I think they come out in front.

Cheap baked in skills on Hobgoblin stabbers are take it or leave it. Stab is very versatile and also 'Free' to use before scoring as it cannot fail unlike a Block. But if you dont want it then just take more Hobgoblins.