N18 New Goliath Gang

Looks like a decent starting list to me.

Are you planning to play mainly 2d or 3d or a mix? If you are going mostly 3d then I'd suggest future purchases being a ganger with boltgun, tele sight and laser projector, gives you an out the box sniper model to chill further back and assist your heavy bolter champ (once he gets a suspensor so isnt being babysat by your leader). This allows your leader to take a stubgun ganger and the shotgun up as a mid range force of nature, while the rederiser champ takes the other combat ganger up close to crack skulls. That's how I'd play the development of what you've got there.
One of my original reasons for taking overseer is that a good deal of games will take place on zone mortalis tiles, and depending on the layout that would allow my opponent to stay out of LoS of the heavy bolter. On a regular board he would be more likely to get shots of without having to reposition.

The choice on wether to act or use overseer would be made on a trun by turn basis, but I like the idea of being able to triple/quadruple move a model to react to a flankmove or make the most of an opportunity.
"the only 'houserule' we have for the campaign so far is that smoke grenades can be thrown just like regular grenades."

The normal smoke grenades are thrown like regular grenades. The issue is that you want regular smoke grenades to be able to be shot from a launcher (Houserule #1), which you cant do, but presumably the group OK'd this. Also, launcher smoke grenades are not on the house list, so as has been mentioned, you cant buy them at creation. Technically, allowing trading post purchases at creation is houserule #2. If you can do this, are your opponents also allowed to buy anything from the trading post at creation too? If so that's fair enough, but you may want to impose some rarity limit to these purchases.

Re: the fighing knifes on your gangers, I'm in two minds about that for Goliaths. On the plus side they are fairly cheap, and give you -1AP. The negatives are that its not helping increase their chance to hit like some CC weapons. Its using up a gangers weapon slot, and gangers cant have additional loadout cards.

If you intend to use those guys in Close combat regularly, I would probably not equip the knives, and save the creds for better hand weapons after a game or two. They are strong and tough enough to do ok without the knife for a game. If its really only a backup (unlikely as they only have stub guns), the knife is ok, and the creds would be better spent on a decent gun later.
Looks like a decent starting list to me.

Are you planning to play mainly 2d or 3d or a mix? If you are going mostly 3d then I'd suggest future purchases being a ganger with boltgun, tele sight and laser projector, gives you an out the box sniper model to chill further back and assist your heavy bolter champ (once he gets a suspensor so isnt being babysat by your leader). This allows your leader to take a stubgun ganger and the shotgun up as a mid range force of nature, while the rederiser champ takes the other combat ganger up close to crack skulls. That's how I'd play the development of what you've got there.

It's going to be a mix, but what you described is more or less what I was "planning" as far as future developments go. Depending on the rare trades and other random stuff that can't really be planned for.
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@UnderhiveGangstar: Well RAW (as far as we got) a weapon needs the "blast" rule to target a point on the floor. Since the smoke grenades don't have the keyword they can technically only be thrown at enemy gangers. So the houserule is purely there to clarify that you can chuck a smoke grenade at any spot on the board. Grenade launchers clearly have their own ammotypes so we don't feel they need to be houseruled at this point.

As far as I'm aware I don't have any tradingpost items in my starting list. If so I'd have to change a few things in the list.
One last point, if you are considering long long term, and might use a splinter of the gang for your next campaign, getting a juve with +bs increases works out as a very cost effective shooting champ to wield your hevy bolter in the future. This is however long term stuff to consider
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OK, that's not what I thought you meant, and you are correct, it was me misunderstanding your comment. I don't think this was intended though, as It means smoke has no defensive use at all, as you said, you cant target your own fighters with it.

I think the blast trait was left out so as not to trigger pitfalls etc. but really should have been given the trait with an exception to the pitfall rule. Then it would work as you would expect it to.

No you don't have TP items, ignore that comment, that was relating to me thinking you were using launcher smokes from the start, when you actually had hand held grenades.
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Well I just had my first (practice) game with the gang and they won a bloody victory against a cawdor gang one of my buddies brought along.

We spent most of the time looking up rules and stats, and during turn two we came to the realization that we were playing a Zone Mortalis scenario (sneak attack) on a Sector Mechanicum table. But we had a good time and got a better grasp of the rules, which was all we set out to do.

I was defending and due to the layout of the table and the rules for the scenario I was outflanked and outnumbered. But I did have a fair bit of cover and my heavy bolter was deployed on relatively high ground.

My leader got to use overseer once; but it allowed my grenade launcher to hit the enemy leader and two gangers with a frag grenade causing them to get pinned in relatively open ground for a turn. Which gave my Heavy Bolter time to reposition and criticaly injure the leader and one of the gangers the next turn. So while that gave me an early advantage I did spend the rest of the time trying to get my leader in a decent position.

Instead of opting to bottle out we just kept slugging it out untill turn 7 or 8, and we both failed our bottle tests: by this time I had 3 guys standing and he had 5. The next turn one of his gangers fled whilst my guys held. The turn after that all his gangers except a juve fled, whilst the Goliath kept on going and got ready to chase the Juve. The little guy held out by running and hiding for a turn or two before he fled the field as well.

All in all I'm pretty happy with how it went, even if my close combat guys didn't do damage all game. One of the guys with a knife got blown of the board during the opening salvo as my opponent had positioned him next to a ledge and shot a frag grenade at him. The Renderizer champ simply got chewed up but he held a flank for a few turns against 3 gangers with blunderbusses and a flamer on a stick. And the second ganger spent a lot of time pinned behind cover, although he did eventually move up to 'coup de grace' someone.
Good to see you had fun.

The issue with your leader needing to reposition becomes an issue when you use overseer.

It’s one of the reasons I said it wasn’t overpowered above because as soon as you use it once he is going to spend the rest of the game running to catch up with the rest of the gang.

That’s not an issue with Escher (or other M5 gangs) but is a massive problem with M4 Goliath’s where he is just going to be left behind, especially once you take +M as your first advancement on the close combat champions.