Ive got an old Dreadnaught if you want it?That cynic has never collected miniatures! I’ve still got stuff from back then I intended to paint and Oldhammer has invigorated many peoples ideas of resurrecting old favourites.
…because it was a product that they still sold which was backwards compatible…
…now they don’t, so tough luck to us who never got round to getting that dreadnaught for 30 years.
It's perfectly reasonable to discontinue models which are 20 yes old. GW have a ridiculously large product line which is why even some modern models/sprues have to go on rotation. If you're still building a 2nd ed army then FB/eBay. Just like anyone still building their old whfb army has to.
The real questionable decision is whether new marines needed new stats/lore and whether old units need to be retired - i.e. no new scouts rather than just made obsolete when the models are retired.
Personally 8 still like the tactical/devastator/Assault classification regardless of actual weapons/loadout.
The new marines are just a mass of different models. Why are assault intercessors a thing when reivers are your assault troop and intercessors your main troop?