N18 New player campaign gang help


New Member
Apr 30, 2022

I've played a whole 2 games of necromunda (both intro games with basic loaner gangs) and have a campaign coming up.

I've got my delaque on the way base gang, upgrades and the "specials".

Yet I have no idea how to build them, not too fussed on how comp it is but don't want to build models to only have to buy more because I've chosen loadouts poorly.

This is a gang I've come up with (skills tbc) feels like it might be light on bodies?

Any advice hugely appreciated.

Light in bodies? You've done well to get 8 fighters total and 3 champions in the list. I would swap the leaders weapons with one of your phantoms, a champion is more expendable as a front line Brawler than your leader.

On your Web pistol juve the autopistol is surplus, you can't fire them both at the same time. Otherwise it reads well. Dual pistols can be a trap due to - 1 to hit but are cool as hell
Light in bodies? You've done well to get 8 fighters total and 3 champions in the list. I would swap the leaders weapons with one of your phantoms, a champion is more expendable as a front line Brawler than your leader.

On your Web pistol juve the autopistol is surplus, you can't fire them both at the same time. Otherwise it reads well. Dual pistols can be a trap due to - 1 to hit but are cool as hell
Thanks for the feedback. The auto pistol wad there as a back up for when the web pistol is out of ammo.

Good point re the leader, I could swap the plasma champ with him. Putting a long rifle feels a bit of waste