New Skill Ideas


Feb 6, 2012
It's that time again when I try suggest new/different skills for some of the tables. Namely Ferocity and Muscle, because I think they are a bit weak (minus body slam).

Ferocity table - Unload (v2):

1/round after resolving a ranged attack with a pistol or basic weapon, you may make a second ranged attack with the same weapon. The weapon is now jammed. (Can be ignored with armourer, weaponsmith or weapon reloads). In addition, jammed weapons no longer count as carried for the purposes of fighting with two weapons.

So hand flamers get slightly more ugly, trades can be made for whether the shot is worth it. Encourages emptying your weapon and charging.

Killer reputation

Before HTH, make a LD test. If you pass, all enemy figures in base to base contact with this figure suffer -1 combat score for this HTH phase. (LD test can be re-rolled with iron will)

Has synergy with iron will. Stacks with killer rep on other figures. Stacks with fear. No longer ignored by berserker chips/frenzied fighters. No longer gets worse as enemy LD increases and instead improves like most skills.

Muscle - Stim Junkie

1/Game at the start of the movement phase, this model may automatically unpin, gain +2 ms and frenzy until the start of your next turn. Upon using this talent the model's initiative characteristic becomes 1 for the remainder of the game.

Muscle table has a lot of talents that rely on it being your turn during HTH (hurl and body slam) these rarely get used in my experience as all the other melee focused gangs have access to the agility table. Frenzy and big 2 handed swords go well together, big 2 handed swords do not care about initiative 1.

Berserk Charge

+d3 attacks or +1 Ws on a charge (stacking for a total +2). This model can make up to 4 inch follow-up movements.
(Delete impetuous)

The motivation behind unload is to give Cawdor and Goliath some ranged options. Killer rep change is to allow it and fear to stack and stop it becoming worthless as the game progresses. Stim junkie is to assist gangs lacking agility reaching melee, while also encouraging them to use big 2 handed weapons. Berserk charge scales badly, as additional attack dice after the second yield very little bonus.
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1/Game at the start of the movement phase, this model may automatically unpin, gain +2 ms and frenzy until the start of your next turn. Upon using this talent the model's initiative characteristic becomes 1 for the remainder of the game.

I really like the flavor and game play dynamic of this one. Has it been play tested? I could see it being really good, but also something the opposing player can play around. interesting stuff.

I would love to see a muscle skill that makes grenades better, maybe a supplement to bulging biceps, so you can throw S x 4 instead of the normal S x 3
By play tested you mean, it's basically a berserker chip then yes :p. Yes I have. It's just berserker chips and body slam are a little too good together so no +2 strength. The unpinning is nothing revolutionary, the same tactics for dealing with high toughness nerves of steel or gang leaders remains - overwatch and shoot them when their turn begins.... Unless they have juggernaut. Relying on the unpin is risky however, unless you have high wounds... But if you have that many advances chances are your opponent has something pretty grim too.

I'd still rate berserker chips better than this and they are ~32 cred items.

Hmm, 5 str grenade becomes 20 inches. I'm not sure the strength table is that weak, it's just... not what a melee gang needs. +2 ms increases the amount of places your fighters can reach by over double (144 PI vs 64 PI inches squared of ground covered).
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