N18 newbie Van Saars out the box

Personally I find magnetizing more trouble than it's worth.

Unless it's a cost thing, I'd rather have more painted models on my shelf than a model and a baggy of arms (which will ultimately get lost).
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Personally I find magnetizing more trouble than it's worth.

Unless it's a cost thing, I'd rather have more painted models on my shelf than a model and a baggy of arms (which will ultimately get lost).
Long term gamer here. Unfortunately I don't have a separate house to display all my models.
Stupid real world problems.
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just had a thought ( dangerous I know for a juve lol) what's the rules on trading post weapons? was thinking having champ bare bones for couple of fights then stubber or heavy bolter from trading post? does that work or is there somthing i'm missing?
Where’s my 2p… ah, here it is… throwing it into the conversation now *flips coin*.

Modern Necromunda… there’s barely any point to magnetising Gangers and Juves. They can’t swap weapons so glue into their hands the ones you’re most likely to actually equip them with.

If you’re going to magnetise at least do the fighters that can have multiple cards - like your leader and champions. Particularly if you’re making a custom leader.
Admittedly I haven’t done this - mostly because I didn’t think of it and also because the conversion didn’t accommodate it on my Cawdor and Goliath leaders. I may do for the Orlock and Escher.

Too much of a faff to magnetise the grunts who will never swap the prime weapons (only accumulate a couple more) and will probably be dead after a few games.

Specialist Juves and champs will depend on the gang. Goliath for example, just equip your stimmer how you will run them.

Don’t know about Van Saar.
Where’s my 2p… ah, here it is… throwing it into the conversation now *flips coin*.

Modern Necromunda… there’s barely any point to magnetising Gangers and Juves. They can’t swap weapons so glue into their hands the ones you’re most likely to actually equip them with.
For a single campaign maybe.
However it lets you be flexible with your models for future use. You could say use Orlock Wreckers without the jump packs (they work as models without them just fine all my Orlocks have back magnets to add backpacks, jump packs cloaks etc) as juves in one campaign and wreckers in another.

You could do one campaign pistols and knives only and another shotgun fusiliers all with the same models.
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In terms of the physical models, it also juut depends on how flexable your play group is. For example, I sometimes build gangers with more weapons than they're equipped with but leave them painted black and then paint them in when I acquire that weapon. Some groups are fine with pistols and CC weapons not being represented on your character etc. Other groups are also fine with using other kits such as the Stargrave one, or 3D printed parts.

When I look at the grav cutters in particular I really don't see why you couldn't just kitbash boards and shields. But again, it'll depend on who you're playing with.

I just mention these options because I think it's a bit of a shame when a player's imagination has to be limited by the cost of GW plastic (and as someone who finds magnetisation tedious).
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