Officer, without number, head turner, troll burner
Staff member
Yak Comp 3rd Place
Tribe Council
Mad to think that the bits used in this project span four decadesThose classic bulkheads are just still bloody gorgeous!
I really like the sandwiched approach with visible pipes and other things between, it makes it all seem much more plausible as an actual structural wall.
Great job!! Plus I love the colour choice too!!
I set myself a deadline of the end of August (the one just gone) to get properly started.
Don’t we already? I tend to start but never finish.Lovely stuff, but I also like the idea of a deadline to start something, rather than a deadline to finish.
Perhaps we should adopt this practice for our Yakcomps...
I think after the debacle with the MDF I was intimidated about starting again, I had to set myself a hard limit on how much I could procrastinate.Lovely stuff, but I also like the idea of a deadline to start something, rather than a deadline to finish.
Someone forgot to take out the trash....