Ok, quick run down with my opinion:
- Survival Instinct: Mad Donna's story told kinda like Wicked. I liked it which is funny as I don't like Wicked. Plus it had a ekranoplan.
- Salvation: This is one of my favorites. Tons of intrigue about finding some ancient artifact that was supposed to be some key to controlling the hive (can't remember exactly & it wasn't important since the book was all about the quest).
- Junktion: I really wanted to like this one more since the setting was so cool (what's not to like about giant dandelions?), but I found the main character really irritating. Their settlement is attacked by uphivers and even though he is targeted directly he seems only interested in keeping his head down. It doesn't even like he's interested in saving his own skin so much as lacks motivation to do anything.
- Fleshworks: I liked this one. It was a Delaque centric novel about bionics requisition.
- Back from the Dead: A fun zombie story about an enforcer trying to redeem himself.
- Outlander: An examination of House Cawdor. It wasn't as good as the others as the characters poorly developed.
- Kal Jerico: I just don't care for him, so having so much fiction focused on him is somewhat irritating. Of course if they publish another one, I'll likely be first in line to buy it.
- GW is fascinated with characters who fall from the upper spire or at least come down in some real and figurative way. I would like more stories that are just from the underhive. In that sense, a lot of Status Deadzone really appeal to me.
- No one who writes for GW has any idea how a hive is laid out. Junktion does the best job and Back from the Dead missed it completely.