N18 Orlock bases?


Aug 5, 2013
Hallsberg, Sweden

Im wondering what size some Orlock miniatures have?

Im using count as corrupted Orlock miniatures and dont want to "cheat" by mistake

These are the ones i would like to know about.
Road captain
Arms master
The Arms Master is on a 32mm base, as are the dogs. The rest are 25mm.

I don't have any dogs in my gang, my Arms Master is on a 25mm base, I didn't see the point in putting him on a 32mm base. Call it cheating if you wish :)
The few extra mm will so rarely make a difference from 25 to ,32 mm base size. Very occasionally you may be 3.5 mm closer for a charge but look at that distance on a ruler. It is so tiny that it hardly makes a real difference.
Mount the models on a appropriate sized base for the model. A bigger model can make less use of cover.
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N95, N17, GorkaMorka, and Mordheim, base size is largely self-moderating. Larger or smaller bases each have advantages and disadvantages that largely balance themselves out. Larger bases, for example, have an easier time crossing gaps, and blocking doorways and alleys, but have a harder time 'fitting' through doorways and alleys, and can be engaged by more melee opponents and more easily hit by templates and scattering blasts. Smaller bases, for example, have an easier time fitting in alleys and doorways, and are more easily missed by templates and scattering blasts, but cannot as easily jump gaps, or block doorways or alleys. And so on.

So in each game, it really comes down to what base looks good on the model on the table during play.
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