N18 Orlock Miners


Dec 1, 2021
Hi all,

I was just hoping to get a little feedback on this starting gang list.
Ashhole Kings
I have tried to steer away from plasma as I think it favor's the Orlock flavor, the meltagun and the mining laser being industrial tools in the mines.
Everything else I plan to keep unapologetically dakka, with no two fighter loadouts identical.
Also we have a house rule that any fully painted and WYSIWYG gang starts with an extra 50cr to promote finishing models at our LGS, just to explain the extra :p.

What are your thoughts? Cheers.
Nice dakka you got there! I totally approve of not taking any crappy Greenhorns; they really suck.

I do notice that it apoears no one is wearing any armor. At 15cr Mesh Armor is a steal for your Leader and Champions. I would definitely try to find some points for it. Swapping out that Boltgun for an Autogun will get you 2+ sets of Mesh Armor.

Also, kudos to your LGS for the +50 credits rule. That's a great idea.
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That could be worth the investment, followed by an additional purchase of a boltgun gunner. Would you put the mesh on the two big guns or one of them and the arms master?
I'd put Mesh Armor on all three. You can get the extra points for the third set of armor by swapping out the (overcosted) Bolt Pistol on the Wrecker for an Autopistol. You'll even have a few credits to spare.
If the fighter has Tools of the Trade, (we don't allow weapon swaps beyond the RAW my other gamers can't be bothered to get multiples of the same model, i use magnets), I initially pick the cheaper weapons, so auto pistol not bolt pistol. Frees up some points and gives your characters something to aspire to.
Also please tell me you named your gang after the swear word from The Good Place.
Unfortunately no, I've not seen it. I just thought it sounded good.

I'd put Mesh Armor on all three. You can get the extra points for the third set of armor by swapping out the (overcosted) Bolt Pistol on the Wrecker for an Autopistol. You'll even have a few credits to spare.
If the fighter has Tools of the Trade, (we don't allow weapon swaps beyond the RAW my other gamers can't be bothered to get multiples of the same model, i use magnets), I initially pick the cheaper weapons, so auto pistol not bolt pistol. Frees up some points and gives your characters something to aspire to.
I made a few adjustments (also because we've dropped the 50cr all painted rule for 1xp per model plus 1 rep for full gang).
Dropped both bolt weapons for auto variants and swapped the arms masters combat shotty for a standard shotty with executioners.
Also added mesh to the 3 hierarchy fighters.
I'm quite happy with how it looks now, hopefully they play well :s.
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