Can't seem to find an answer in either the new rulebook or book of Outcasts: since they are neither law abiding nor outlaw, which rarity/legality level does apply to them when Seeking rare & illegal gear on the Trade post?
Bonus mini-question: choosing affiliation with Cawdor allows you to buy gear off their house list, but there are multiple lists, one for each type of Cawdor/redemptionist. I've decided to pick weapons off the list for a fighter of equal status (hive scum gets to buy gear from a Cawdor or Redemptionist ganger, etc.). I hope this isn't too much of herecy?
Thanks for helping me answer these!
Bonus mini-question: choosing affiliation with Cawdor allows you to buy gear off their house list, but there are multiple lists, one for each type of Cawdor/redemptionist. I've decided to pick weapons off the list for a fighter of equal status (hive scum gets to buy gear from a Cawdor or Redemptionist ganger, etc.). I hope this isn't too much of herecy?
Thanks for helping me answer these!