GorkaMorka Papercraft vehicles...

My last full project of 2020!

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My first 2021 project is this Classic Rogue Trader era 40K Rhino painted in Imperial Guard colors of that day (Cold War inspired camo, with red bolters). After all, back then, Imperial Guard had access to Rhinos (as did any faction at the time really, with Compendium even having Eldar stealing Landraiders...). Clearly this venerable machine has more vox casters than the average machine, and behold, and observer who serves the Officer of the Fleet in finding targets for the Emperor's most Holy Wrath to Smite from Orbit, as such is the only way to be sure....
Between DEC 2021 and early January 2021, I built this deodorant bottle speeder for a local game shop's WH40: Rogue Trader build and paint contest using the spirit of Rick Priestly's White Dwarf article as the building contest rules (with some modifications).

I've posted about the construction on my paper building thread, as most of this model is in fact paper, outside of the deodorant bottle and the resin figures (and some greeblies).

Here is my entry painted and completed:





(anyone know what that orange thing is? If you used them all the time, we can be battle buddies...)


(...because I'm sure you have lots of the same memories this inspires)

The results, were more than satisfying, as I never realized I could win anything with my painting skills where they are...




I have to thank this community, along with a few others, for all the great hobby knowledge I've been able to tap into and learn from!
Very nice, congratulations on the award.

I remember the Rick Priestley deodorant bottle vehicle in White Dwarf. Also the titan built from parts of a Star Wars AT-ST toy. Brilliant times, long forgotten by so many.
My old deodorant hover tank has nothing on that bad boy! Congratulations on a well deserved first place!
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So, I did do another Sentinel this spring...

Hunter (the last one, open topped) and Killer (armored, Lascannon armed)


I decided to make the armored one with the lascannon as it would be the logical choice to have that survivability to get that flank shot on an enemy tank. However sleight the edge...



Other than this armored sentinel, my paper modeling has slowed to a crawl. Mostly because I got distracted by 3D printing and another older wargame that was my main game as a teen (*cough* Battletech *cough*).

Don't worry, I've got a pile of printed paper models I have to build! That, and plenty of resin miniatures for my "Dust Rats" for Gorkamorka....
And the details are too sharp and the edges too crisp... obviously you made another one!
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Always coming back with something cool after forever.
Have you thought about getting a 3d printer? I can only imagine the neat stuff you could cook up!
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Always coming back with something cool after forever.
Have you thought about getting a 3d printer? I can only imagine the neat stuff you could cook up!
Well, since you mention it... 3D printing is a big part of my hiatus posting on this thread! I'll have to post some of my more grim dark subjects that I've printed when my Elegoo Mars 2 Pro was actually functioning (I ended up zapping it with static electricity inserting a USB drive to update the firmware after a screen change). In fact, I have so many parts, having a broken printer might help me get through my pile of shame that only increased in size once I got it!
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