Prone Fighters , cover and target priority

As per title, do a prone fighter give cover to another fighter behind him?
If so, a prone fighter that is behind another prone fighter should be considered in hiding, correct?

Also, does prone fighters count for the rule of target priority (obviously if they are not in hiding)?

In my group we have been unable to find a proper answer in the rule book(s).
We are houseruling that prone fighters do not give cover, but they are considered for target priority.

I hope we are doing it right.

All your feedback will be highly appreciated
I am not a rule specialist and the sentences are often difficult to understand, but as I understand page 49, the prone fighter behind has cover because the line from the attacker to his base runs over another fighter.
I don't have my books at the moment, but I think this varies depending on if you're using Underhive (tiles) rules or Gang War (3D) rules.

Underhive rules: The prone one gives cover to the one behind, as the Underhive rules work around base sizes.
Gang War rules: True Line Of Sight applies, bases are ignored. The ganger behind may or may not be in cover depending on how much of him the attacker can see.

In either case, the Target Priority rules are that the closest ganger, whether standing or prone, is the primary target (unless the one behind is easier to hit for whatever reason). You can attempt to target the one behind by passing a cool check - assuming you can see some of him to shoot at.

I don't think the rules say whether you can ignore Seriously Injured fighters to freely aim at others behind them, but we allow that as a matter of course (the guy standing at the back waving a shotgun is an obviously bigger threat than the guy bleeding to death in the gutter).
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This is how I wrapped up the Target Priority rules:


The closest enemy must be the default target unless a more distant enemy is easier to hit. To target a more distant enemy, make a Target Priority test by passing a Cool check. If it is failed, target the default enemy fighter instead. Seriously Injured fighters can always be ignored.
All good.
RAW It seems that if two fighters are in the open and then they both got pinned, the one behind is in hiding and can't be targeted. It does not make much sense to me, nor to my group of players... I think we will contiune with our house rules I think regarding the cover I mean.
As per the target priority, we where doing it "right", so it seems