Punktaku’s Parade of (mostly) Imperial Agents

While digging around in storage, I found another box of terrain. Inside I found a box with some vehicles for my Knights Crusader space marines (all plastic). Well, the idea had been to use the new plastic marine kits (at that time. 3rd or 4th edition?) to make a new chapter of marines. So here’s a couple of land speeders and attack bikes (the bikes have weight, so I think some part of them is metal) I made oh so long ago.

Loving the the the old school Rhinos...and that Tempest! Talk about long lost loves! I absolutely craved that model when I was a kid.
I'd still get one if I saw it going for a reasonable price, but they rarely are...
Grav Tank!!!!

Very nice, that slightly organic looking style of old Eldar vehicles was distinctive. The newer plastic range is still cool but doesn’t look as “grown“ as the originals.

The upscale of Epic models sometimes didn’t work but the Eldar always did.

Now… what those LEGO minifigs for?
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huh? Oh! Hahaha. That’s Ron and Hermione. My son got them for me where he works. They were part of a damaged set that was getting tossed.
Have a pile of those ED-209 toys but only painted up one for my Dark Angels.

Nice Sisters and Arbites vehicles!

Yes, the Tempest looks quite familiar...
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That’s actually some nice freehand there.

Particularly the writing.

The black blob on the second one reminds me of the YakTribe logo in silhouette!
Oops! I sold this army off ages ago. They were my original 40k army made with the Rogue Trader original plastic kit and lead minis.

I still have one metal dreadnought from the 90s. The other ones are in plastic. I repainted mine in 2022 in an Iron Hands scheme:

Though I still need to repaint the remaining dreads.