Random Subsector Generator


May 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
I have been looking around and I think this works pretty good for a random subsector generator. You can define how many systems you want and quite a bit of other items. I have just started working with it but here is a screen shot of one subsector.

From: Pattern Generator


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It's a little fiddly, but I think it works pretty good to get the systems randomly placed. I had some trouble trying to get the first placed system to be not be at the center of the page. I plan to use it as a starting point for randomly created subsectors as per Warpstone magazine (2000) page 22 (Creating a Sub Sector Map).

I think it works as good as my current method; which is dropping pennies in a box top and then drawing circles on a piece of paper based on the random falling of said pennnies. :)

I just need to know how many subsectors are in a sector for BFG purposes. I think I read about that somewhere; just can't remember where.