Realm of chaos, path to glory, the lost and the damned/slaves to darkness joint romp

This is my base idea. Just not sure it’s a good one..
Once again the immeasurably vast fractal intelligence that is tzeentch focuses one of its unblinking eyes upon its champion Lord Cackle and his followers. The minions that move around him with a frenzied grace are suddenly unnaturally invigorated and their stances begin to blur together until it is almost impossible to distinguish the start of one from the end of the next.

As the first completed unit for tzeentch and overall these ninjas get +1 initiative and +1 movement
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Once again the immeasurably vast fractal intelligence that is tzeentch focuses one of its unblinking eyes upon its champion Lord Cackle and his followers. The minions that move around him with a frenzied grace are suddenly unnaturally invigorated and their stances begin to blur together until it is almost impossible to distinguish the start of one from the end of the next...
Up to this point I was hoping for the transformation of the ten ninjas into either a chaos spawn or one giant fat ninja. 🤞
The skies crack and and the noise of battle resounds around the heavens as gork and mork rail against the combined might of the chaos gods. It does not deter these orc arrer boyz though as they each seek to become a god themselves and have devoted their lives and deaths to chaos. Delighted to have won over the creatures of another god the various chaos deities gift these orcs with preternatural sight and magical power.

as the first completed unit for chaos undivided these orcs get +1 BS and their attacks, shooting and close combat, count as magical.

now, if only someone else would post pics in here? @headcase14 :)
I had a completely free weekend so spent nearly all of it painting. Managed to complete the whole warband. I will flock the bases with snow at some point, but want to do that when my Fantasy Chaos army is finished so I can do the whole thing all at once. I will probably fill out the below so that the can be proxied as units for Fantasy.

--The Brotherhood of Rust--

Ketheros, The Rust-Reborn
Dark elf level 10 hero
3652311039+19 / 9 / 8
  • Hates normal Elves
  • Headless (+1 Fear Point)
  • Breaths Fire (3" Long, 1" Wide, 1 Hit, S2, +1 Fear Point)
  • Shrink (1/4 size, M*1/2, S*1/3, T-1, W*1/3, I+3, -3 Fear Points)
  • Fear Points = -1 (?!)
  • Gold Pieces 7

The Maker and the Made
Chaos Spawn (4) - Granted as a Chaos Reward
122107134*77 / 7 / 7
*includes one bite, one gore and one tail attack
  • Mechanoid - Complete (WS+1, S+4, T+2, +1 bite attack, Hoverer [3" Move], +2 Fear Points)
  • Poisonous Bite (+1S on bite attack...)
  • Bestial Face (+1A gore, +1 Fear Point)
  • Mercreature (Swim Move 5, +1 Fear Point)
  • Psuedo-demonhood (1+1/2 times size, wings, tail, horn, Fly [Min: 4", Max 15", Acc/Dec: 7"], +5 Fear Points)
  • Mace Tail (+1 tail attack, +1S on tail attack...)
  • Metal Body (1/2 WS, 1/2 BS, S+3 T=7, Immunities[Fire, Cold, Non-magical weapons], Vulnerabilities [Electricity/Lightning], +3 Fear Points)
  • Long 'Legs' (M+1, +1 Fear Point)
  • Uncontrollable Flatulence (Poison Aura = T save vs. Death)
  • Levitation
  • Fear Points = 13

Ick & Ohm
Chaos Troll
6315 (6)*431444 / 6 /6
  • Stupidity
  • Regenerate
  • Regurgitate
  • Thump
  • Two-heads (no actual effect)
  • Razor Sharp Claws (+1A with +1S)*

Snorgitz' Lads
Chaos Goblins (3)
4233312155 / 5 / 5
  • Hate Dwarfs
  • Fear Elves
Wolves (4)
9403313134 / 4 / 4
  • Difficult to Control