N18 Recruiting Goliaths during campaign


Apr 19, 2024
During the post battle during the dominion campaign a boon from having a settlement is -

"Recruit: The gang may choose to roll two D6 after every battle. On a roll of 6 on either dice, the gang may recruit a single Juve from their House List for free. If both dice come up as 6, then the gang may recruit a Ganger from their House List for free."

If you recruit a Ganger in this way and you are a goliath gang, do you get to use any Gene - smithing at this point? or are they just a standard Vat Born?

Separately to that, do you get to equip them too or can you just give them what is in your stash (the boon phase is after the purchasing phase)?
If you recruit a Ganger in this way and you are a goliath gang, do you get to use any Gene - smithing at this point? or are they just a standard Vat Born?
As per House of Chains Pg 103,
"To use these rules, fighters must choose a sub-type (Natborn, Vatborn or Unborn) when they are added to the gang- Vatborn being the default sub-type." Not recruited or gifted or turns up. Just "added". So yes you can add them from the settlement rolls.

Next sentence. "The cost of their sub-type is added to the fighters credit cost, as described in the House Goliath gang list (see page 42)." The prime article of the sentence is the "cost of the sub-type" (just a UK English grammar thing). It uses the word cost here not value so you need to pay the cost for Natborn or Unborn to get them. If it says value then it could be added for free but it says cost which means a payment.
The Settlement roll bypasses the fighters credit cost part of the sentence but only gives you the default fighter option, not weapons or other kit unless it is a default item like the Van Saar bodyglove.
This also follows for all Genesmithing options after that as it is stated that they are optional options that can be added to fighters.
You can apply the Genesmithing template to the "free" fighter when "added", paying the "cost" then you can if you wish add a Genesmithing option, again paying the "cost"

(I'm using " x" as actual quotes not sarcastic air quotes).

Separately to that, do you get to equip them too or can you just give them what is in your stash (the boon phase is after the purchasing phase)?
If you are following the sequence strictly or not changes the answer. There is a box on Core book page 147 "Post-battle actions timing" which gives you leeway on the timing of post battle actions. I don't think it is intended to change the proscribed sequence but it doesn't actually prohibit it or distinguish between Action and action (woohoo GW editing...).

Sequence as written. (Note it says players "should" follow this sequence. Should is a word that suggests. It does another say must, which would be an imperative (again woohoo GW editing...).
A. Clean house. Not relevant to your point unless there is leftover equipment recovered from dead fighters which goes to your stash (see step D).

B. Visit the Trade Post. Here it states all the actions in this section can be done in any order and as many times as you want unless stated.

1 and 2 Hire a fighter/crew or purchase a vehicle. It states you do not buy equipment or upgrades at this stage.

3 Recruit Hangers in & Brutes. Reputation requirements aside, you buy the fighter at this point. There is nothing here which details any potential options, which many Brutes etc have, but the relevant characters sections state that the options are decided and payed for when required into the gang so this equipment is added at this point.

4. Sell unwanted items. Sell stuff from the Stash

5 Purchase Equipment. This is actually two processes. One, you can buy equipment "for any model from its own Equipment list at the price shown" fine let's buy the Stubcannon for Bruiser Bob and stamp his name on it. Now "(this cannot be added to the gang's Stash during this post battle sequence)" so you can buy Bruiser Bobs Stubcannon but can't add it to the Stash this postbattle sequence you have to wait for the next one to get it into the Stash ready to equip. (I assume they need thier name on it or something...).
You may also purchase Common equipment at this time from the Trade Post. This is immediately added to the Stash. (I assume these don't have name tags stitched into the collar).

6. Seek rare & illegal Equipment Trade Post battle action only). This is only performed once per post battle sequence and determined the rarity/illegal level of items available to purchase. It does not tell you when those rare/illegal items you can now purchase are added to the Stash at all.

So your House list items are earmarked for a fighter but not added to the Stash this turn, Common items can be added to the stash this turn and Rare/illegal items are bought but not added to the Stash at any defined point. (Who wrote that!!???)

C. Gain boons from territories.
At this point you could gain your free juve. If following the sequence you have missed your point to buy stuff of your Class list so can only equip them with things already in the Stash at this point.

D distribute Equipment.
Now you can equip your new fighter. Following their weapons limits as per their own entries restrictions on weapons.

From items that are in the Stash at this point.
Which at this point will be whatever was left in the Stash from the previous Post battle sequence, plus whatever you recovered in the A. Clean house step this Post battle sequence, plus the Common items you purchased in B. Visit the Trade Post (purchase equipment : Common items step).
That's it.

Why are they waiting for mummy/daddy to sew their names into them for us House list purchases and when to the items from the Seek rare illegal step get added to the stash?
Steps E.F. and 7 not relevant to your question.