Regarding Curs'd Ettin and Giant base sizes for WFB and AoS...

Condottiero Magno

Gang Champion
Sep 11, 2019
Brighton, Massachusetts
Missed out buying the Curs'd Ettin from Froge World, but have an hefty metal Ettin from WotC...


Wasn't the Curs'd Ettin the same size as the plastic giant, so on a 50mm x 75mm base? In AoS the base sizes don't make any sense: the Chaos Siege Giant, despite having the body of the plastic giant, is on a 120mm x 92mm oval instead of a 90mm x 52mm one. If the Curs'd Ettin, if the same size as a regular plastic giant, is on a 120 x 92mm base. Should I go with 90 x 52mm or 120 x 92mm?
If it's only for AoS it doesn't really matter, as you measure to and from the model and not the base, right?! So whatever looks better. If you also plan to use it for other systems, go with what's appropriate there, though I seem to remember there weren't any official base sizes/creature type in WHFB either. :unsure:
you measure to and from the model and not the base, right?!

Most people don't. It was "suggested" in one of the General's Handbooks that you may want to measure to the base. Not that base sizes matter all that much to me but some folk may get funny about it.

and @Condottiero Magno , I would hold off a little on basing it as the "Gargants" faction are apparently getting some new stuff very soon which may change things.
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I thought AoS 2nd edition made measuring to the base official.

Mind you, if he's on a smaller base you can always put that on top of a larger base (or piece of card etc) to show where the proper base should be. If he's on too big a base, it's not so easy to fix.
If it's only for AoS it doesn't really matter, as you measure to and from the model and not the base, right?! So whatever looks better. If you also plan to use it for other systems, go with what's appropriate there, though I seem to remember there weren't any official base sizes/creature type in WHFB either. :unsure:
Not only is it required now, but based on the PDF Tiny linked to, it's unnecessarily complicated...(n)
Don’t worry – you don’t have to rebase your model if it is not on the suggested base unless you want to (that’s why these are suggested base sizes rather than mandatory ones). If you prefer not to rebase your models, just assume that the model is mounted on a base of the appropriate size when setting the model up, moving it, or measuring any distances in a matched play game. For example, if you are a veteran player using an old unit that is mounted on 25mm square bases instead of the suggested 32mm round bases, you should set the unit up, make any moves, and measure all distances as if they were mounted on the larger 32mm round bases when you play matched play games. Although this may sound a bit complicated, in practice it is actually very easy to do.
I left WFB near the end of 6th Edition and returned with the release of the 1st General's Compendium, but dropped out more or less, after GW started charging $35 for subsequent GCs and the proliferation of supplements. Also the attitude from other players over AoS 2.0 - The Grand Alliance forum drama :LOL: - wasn't productive.

It used to be that you could measure from the model, but this caused too many issues - what part of the figure to measure from? - and so the community came up with a list of suggested base sizes. Independent tournament organizers turned the suggestions into law and GW caved in for AoS 2.0.:(

I think I still have the WFB 6th Edition official base size PDF, though these were minimums, so I could place my giant on a larger base.
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Most people don't. It was "suggested" in one of the General's Handbooks that you may want to measure to the base. Not that base sizes matter all that much to me but some folk may get funny about it.

and @Condottiero Magno , I would hold off a little on basing it as the "Gargants" faction are apparently getting some new stuff very soon which may change things.
Funny's an understatement: I encountered a brat lose it and accuse me of cheating for using 4 Alcatani Pikemen as spearmen on a 40mm square base! There's at least one post on TGA referring to square bases as ugly.:rolleyes: When I played WFB 6th Edition, some figures were individually or multi-based on squares and others on rounds - aesthetic preference - and I used movement trays, like the LotR ones, to avoid issues.

But why 120 x 92mm and not 90 x 52mm? I have the same issue with Chaos Knight horse base sizes, especially since my knights are from 5th Edition and look puny on a 75 x 42mm base.

Giants getting new stuff?!? I'm still waiting for a dedicated Maneater subfaction list...:mad:
I thought AoS 2nd edition made measuring to the base official.

Mind you, if he's on a smaller base you can always put that on top of a larger base (or piece of card etc) to show where the proper base should be. If he's on too big a base, it's not so easy to fix.
AFAIK, no one's making fussing over bases larger than the "suggested" size. I have no problem whipping up a scenic sabot base for compliance.
But why 120 x 92mm and not 90 x 52mm?

Because that is closest base GW made at the time to the original square base the model came with? He came with a 100 x 60mm square base iirc and that looked a little small for him. The FW model is a huge mini.

I'm still waiting for a dedicated Maneater subfaction list

Why would that ever be a thing?

Funny's an understatement: I encountered a brat lose it and accuse me of cheating for using 4 Alcatani Pikemen as spearmen on a 40mm square base!

Tbh depending on how they were played I'd potentially be a little annoyed by that.

The number of models you can get in cc on 20mm squares vs 25mm rounds is massively different and provides a huge advantage if the player is really trying to game the system.
The number of models you can get in cc on 20mm squares vs 25mm rounds is massively different and provides a huge advantage if the player is really trying to game the system.

I haven't bothered following AoS rules, but I remember some debate when it first came out - and base size/shape was supposed not to matter anyway - as to whether you could overlap bases. Apparently nothing in the rules explicitly said you couldn't, so you could cram more models into combat that way.