Removing vs retiring fighters


Gang Hero
Yak Comp 2nd Place
Honored Tribesman
Mar 1, 2015
Luleå, Sweden
A few things came up at the start of the last cycle, where the lead player rolled snake eyes on the house favours.
The House Favour table result of 2 states that the player must select one of their Juves or Gangers and remove them from the gang. The question is if the removed fighter leaves their gear behind or if the house just nabs them wholesale. Other scenarios when fighters are removed or retired for some reason, the fate of their gear is usually spelled out instead.
I would lean towards them taking their gear with them. Otherwise it's just not that big a deal - you lose a Juve or a gimped ganger, and can give their kit to a cheap, fresh new one as soon as possible. Not exactly much of a risk.