Necromunda Sevastopol Sector terrain and gaming blog

Part 4, Back in the saddle again, May 2021

No conventions happening and our August 2020 event got cancelled. Our annual January event got postponed until May for obvious reasons, but finally we are back to gaming. There is growing
interest in Frostgrave and Stargrave so only got one Necro game in this time. My Orlocks vs Tim's Escher (using my figs, since he forgot his). Was not doing well and was down three gangers very quickly, but making the bottle rolls. Finally forced him into bottle mode and he failed the first one. Whew! Captured one of his gangers and gained a Juve from a settlement.

Going back to movie lighting for scenery in post #198, I seem to have emulated spooky movie lighting using Vallejo Alien Purple spray paint over black as a zenithal highlight. The piece is a Nanoscene Gryffindor Tower intended more for Frostgrave than Necromunda, but could work for either.

Movie scene lighting:
Troll mark…? Ahh. From Hellboy 2? I was thinking of trollmarket from Guillermo Del Toro’s Trollhunter series on Netflix.
Looks like I have missed a few scenery painting projects from 2019.

Got some color on some Armorcast ruined high tech walls and experimented with colors on the old Armorcast brick walls.

Got some fish tank decor and did some repainting on them.

Got the base colors on a set of MDF scenery. Actual paint colors and more rust will be stippled on.
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The Aquarium pipes look surprisingly good repurposed for Necromunda!
The only place that sells similar round here is annoyingly pricey though.
I got all of these on Amazon, although prices seem to have gone up or they are not available.

You guys still here? Guess I will have to post something... Pretty much zero live miniature gaming going on due to Covid and a bunch of new bugs. Have been getting some Shadows of Brimstone gaming in, so SoB painting is ongoing. Biggest project going on since late last year is playing around with Archon's Rampart scenery ruins system. Its modular and set up to accept magnets for quick assembly and disassembly and lots of fun to play with. There are four sets: Eternal Cathedral, Kazumi (Mesoamarican ruins) Cobalt (futuristic industrial ruins) and the new City Ruins (think eastern Europe) with a new floor system that also works with the older sets. Floor system for the old sets did not work very well, although I did spend some design time making it partly work.

All of the sets except the Kazumi will work great for Necromunda.

I started a FB page for these kits so it anyone wants to dig deeper:

Cathedral pics

Things that could be built


Archon Rampart Part 2

City Ruins

The floor system works (although its a bit fiddly) but there are no broken floors for this set of ruins (cracked floors, but no broken floors), so of course the first thing we have to do is break a bunch of floors. They start as squares or rectangles and then we cut them up.

Combined Cathedral and City Ruins

GW style corners

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Those are some crazy set ups, and they look awesome! I just know I’d reach in to move a model up the stairs and give the whole thing a good hive quake with an elbow or something.
Two thoughts...first is "play them where they lie". Second thought would be imagine the awkwardly worded job postings of the future..."Gaming group needs smallish, steady handed gaming assistants to reach into cramped spaces and move their little men."
Those are some crazy set ups, and they look awesome! I just know I’d reach in to move a model up the stairs and give the whole thing a good hive quake with an elbow or something.
To be honest, I was not reallly looking at playability when doing these builds. These were my first experiments in building with this system and I was just exploring what could be done. For builds for actual games, I would make things considerably more open, allowing for better access. Easy to do using more of the unbroken large tiles.

That said, when magnetized, the system is very resilient to bumpage because the many strong 5mm x 3mm neodynium magnets will try to pull the pieces back to their original position unless they get pushed way out of place. Its usually possible to pick up a complete building held together with magnets only and move it to another part of the table. I slid the building in the attached pic off of its magnetized base, picked it up and moved it to another table completely intact.

I'm still working on making the connections less fiddly and speeding up the floor assembly.

Dunno whilst admittedly deformed the Trolls are fairly large….
You asking about the height between the floors or discussing gamer troll hands? ;)

Floor to floor height is 2 9/16"/66 mm. Clear space between floors is just under 2.5"/61mm compared to 68mm for the original Necro bulkheads. Would be nice if they were a little taller but I think they will work.