Necromunda Sevastopol Sector terrain and gaming blog I went on the Armorcast website and all the bits I wanted for the tech canal came to $115. They would go well with my gaming mat so I would have brought them if they were in the UK. But then I saw a load of other cool scatter stuff and my basket bumped up to $300 :/
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Yea it's good detail but you could prob build them nearly as good for £10-£20 and have loads of bits left for other projects / scatter.
The way the pounds going at the mo they'll prob also cost you twice a much.....

Too true, although I have read that the pound is not expected to get stronger in the next year or two, so if you are planning to buy stuff from the states, now might be the time. There was even some discussion of dollar to pound parity.
The last six risers are primed. Washes tomorrow...

The grand total is 32 risers. I may have gotten a little carried away... Although we will use these for setting up multiple tables at local conventions.
6 x 5x7
11 - 8x10 and 8.5x11 single height
5 - 8x10 and 8.5x11 double height
1 - 8x10 and 8.5x11 triple height
4 - 11x14
3 - 16x20
1 - 16x20 cut into 2 pieces

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We had a great Necromunda weekend with eight(!) players getting together for a few Necromunda games, BBQing and drinking... We were set up in one of the guys' three car garage and had five tables set up, 2 different 4'x4' sump tables, a 4'x4' junk table and a 4'x 8' Sevastopol sector table split into 2 4'x4's.

Thought I had a lot of scatter terrain, but spreading it over three 4'x 4' tables made it seem like not so much. Need to build some high level structures that are not so open and airy as the card stock buildings and completely block LOS.

Managed to take only ONE pic of games in action. DOH!

Mario's sump table #1 using GW Goblintown and Necro card scenery with added scatter terrain.


Eschers trying not to get roasted by overwatching Redemption flamers along with their Goliath allies.In this game the sup rules were not active and the board was just normal ground.


Ryder's sump table #2


Sevastopol sector

Initial setup


Final setup after adding buildings and more walkways.



After battle Eschers

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Discovered a little problem with my taller risers in our last gaming session. At 2.5 inches tall they are too tall to climb, so there is no way to get up on them unless there is some other scenery to use as stair steps. I guess its time to make some ladders. Had some 1/4" welded wire mesh and cut it up to make some ladders, deburred them, painted them and then drilled holes in the risers to mount them. Bending over the wire ends on the insides of the risers holds them in place.

Mesh, loose ladders and mounted ladder to the left of the figure

Its wash day! He's at it again... Rooted around some more and consolidated a bunch of scenery bits, then cleaned primed and base coated (some of them) and its now time for a bit of washing.

Pre wash

Wash wave 1: There will be scatter terrain!

Wash wave 2: and industrial stuff.
Sounds very similar to "magic wash" from what I remember. What in your "rust" wash, just out of curiosity? I expect there's an art to mixing it, but if you've got a formula or ratio, I'd love to hear it.

Dammit, all of my old Magic Wash links are dead. I think I have the recipe written down in an email somewhere. Maybe there's a thread elsewhere on this site...

(Edit, found it in another thread: seems similar to the formulas I've used in the past).

Also, I forgot to mention that the terrain looks great after your gunk wash. A proper dingy start!
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The "rust" wash is just a red/brown version of the other washes. Its not used specifically for rust, but rather used to splash on the pieces along the the other colors (green, purple and blue) to provide some random colors and color depth on the scenery pieces. You can see what it does in the painted riser pics in post #88 above.

Formula? LOL, not so much. Dump in some cheap craft paint and add water until its the right consistency. Then dump in an ounce or two so of Future depending on your container size.

Your link does a pretty good job of describing how to make a magic wash. Interesting that he is pre-shading that Space Marine Librarian. I am essentially doing the same thing with my scenery, except its over a gray base (mostly). Have never done it on figures, but might try it on something that does not use a lot for bright colors (Eschers), like Cawdor or Orlocks. I went on the Armorcast website and all the bits I wanted for the tech canal came to $115. They would go well with my gaming mat so I would have brought them if they were in the UK. But then I saw a load of other cool scatter stuff and my basket bumped up to $300 :/

Hurr... indeed. Well, we were gamers making terrain for gamers, so were making stuff WE wanted to see on OUR gaming tables. :) Even though I do not have anything to do with the company any more, I can easily put together a $200 order browsing through the catalog... I actually made the base pieces (base and curb) for the Tech Canal master models and then gave them to Shawn for all the detail work.
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Rust practice and rust color selection

Painted pieces and paint swatches:
Favorite colors so far: Ceramcoat Brown Iron Oxide, Deco Art Americana Burnt Orange, Deco Art Americana Bright Orange, Apple Barrel Pumpkin Orange


Painted pieces and pieces of real rusty steel.

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