N18 Show off your Cold Traders - Smuggler Shore Parties (looking for inspiration/ideas)


Hive Guilder
Yak Comp 1st Place
Nov 5, 2014
Please post your Cold Trader - Smuggle Shore Party pics here. :D

There are not yet any official models for Smuggler Shore Party from the Cold Traders Allies, and as far as I can tell only a vague description of ~”Cold Traders are Space Smugglers and the unit description/equipment and stats.

Cold Trader Stiletto, Sling Gun(Shuriken pistol). Overseer, Step Aside.
Bosun A boatswain, bo's'n, bos'n, or bosun, also known as a Petty Officer, deck boss, or a qualified member of the deck department, is the seniormost rate of the deck department and is responsible for the components of a ship's hull. Wikipedia Fighting Knife, Shotgun. Step Aside.
2*Void Born Scum. Fighting Knife, Autopistol or Laspistol. T5, W3, Bodyguard.

I did a google image search and found that @jonbo has posted some impressive Cold Traders over at http://magpieandoldlead.blogspot.com/2019/09/off-world-contraband-necromunda-cold.html?m=1, but there aren’t many more to be found out there... :/


Axiom’s brilliant take on Cold Traders

That gave me some ideas, and I’ve rummaged through my bits n pieces and blutacked some things together, but I look forward to seeing what you have done for these Smuggler allies.
Use one of the new rogue traders as the base for your cold trader. I like the smoking guy for this, personally.
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As for the allies, watch out that Helots are always an Outlaw gang, and so cannot take Guilder allies - you're limited to the Recidivists only (unless your group is houseruling any of this of course): https://www.goonhammer.com/necromunday-criminal-alliances/
In addition to Axiom’s Cold Traders, that goonhanmer article also some by rakeendboy -
(Insta: @rakeendboy)

These ones show the Sling Gun as a Shuriken Catapult, which seems about right because of the Range(12). They also have the Void-Born Scum wearing space helmets, which seems to be consistent across different people’s approaches to the Smuggler Shore Parties.

If anyone find any more variations or has suggestions please post, I think I know what I will be going with but would really love to see more :)

So, after digging through my bits box and playing with blutac space helmets on a bunch of different minis I remembered I had this guy (below) which I am definitely leaning towards painting up as the Cold Trader itself :D
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@Ml2sjw did a shore party back in November, using Anvil Industry parts for the bosun and a few extra crew.

Over on reddit, the user wizardoftrash made theirs with a dark elf corsair body for the trader, mixing guard and neophyte kits for the bosun, and the nurgle blood bowl chaps for the bodyguards.

There's stevepaintsandsculpts on instagram too, who used Commisar Raine as the basis for a cold trader and various kits for the crew.

Only an idea for now but my intention is to use admech skittarii as the basis for the shore party, probably with more static poses that will involve greenstuff replacements for the coat tails. I feel making the bodyguards largely bionic can be enough to justify the high toughness, multi-wound stat-line while still looking like they could pass largely unremarked through hive city.

What's also occurred to me while writing is to make an all-genestealer cultist party, using aberrants as the basis for the bodyguards. The promiscuous sailor stereotype gets a bit more sinister when there's also genetic corruption involved.
Thanks @Unslain , greatly appreciate your reply :)

While I *had* seen @Ml2sjw ’s Cold Traders, at the time I didn’t realise what they actually represented as I had not yet encountered Allies :p

Looks as though @jonbo is wizardoftrash on reddit, and Axiom on their plog of magpieandoldlead. Always produces such amazing Rogue Trader styled models, if I had the bits I’d be tempted to attempt mimicking that (note I say mimic rather than replicate - little bit of self-depreciation) :)

I see that stevepaintsandsculpts has used a Shuriken pistol rather than catapult for the Sling Gun, so it could go either way (both have same range)

Results are, inspiring. Much variation so far, I guess I just need to give myself permission to just make whatever and have fun... so I’m still thinking of using that old green alien toy as the trader itself, and have some ideas on the bosun+voidborn. Thanks heaps everyone, please continue to post any more Cold Traders / Smuggler Shore Parties that you find :)
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Here are my completed Cold Traders. Originally I was going to use them for my stunted Scavvy (chaos cult) gang, so the lizard men would have towered over them…. Ended up using them in a Goliath campaign so they didn’t seem as huge as they may have needed to.
Here are my completed Cold Traders. Originally I was going to use them for my stunted Scavvy (chaos cult) gang, so the lizard men would have towered over them…. Ended up using them in a Goliath campaign so they didn’t seem as huge as they may have needed to.
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I love how 80’s sci-fi they look and that your cold trader is an alien space grub. It’s like they originate from deep space as far away from the imperium as you could get!
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