Show us yer stuff! (Newby introduction thread)

The Troll runs up and confidently grasps the hem of his battle skirt...

“Away with you you dirty little bar stool!” The Captain cried as he chased the Troll away with his squirty bottle.

That’s it that’s the Mods gone, show us your hobby stuff ye new Yakkers!
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Hey @Photo, welcome to the tribe from me!
To walk the path of the clone, you are obviously a yak of good taste! I look forward to seeing your kitbash!
Thanks, I have the GSC for weapons, though I think I might wait until the book and extra minis are out before deciding on my build but currently in terms of gang loadout I'm thinking at least 1 sniper champion, 1 zoomy webber champion, a rando ganger with 2 stilettos+throwing knives for lolz and then mostly autogun line troops. Still not sure what to do with my leader though...

I am currently working on AT stuff which is getting me back into painting. I'm not a very artistic painter more technical+process type of person so I tend to way overthink what I'm going to do and plan it out. My AT stuff is here if you want to look (C&C welcome!)

My current thoughts for the delaque is a sort of black-green tinted (think kabalite dark eldar), with light blue or lenses, pale skin in a neutral tone, dark red weapons to contrast a bit, warm gold/brass too and have spots of orange rust on the bases again to contrast vs the dark/green
So, Here's the Water Treatment Facility/Synth Still set piece i'm currently working on. If you're around Lincoln, NE in the States, we'll be starting up a campaign soon...

Based on a 24" x 36" 3/16 piece of foamboard. used styrofoam packaging my wife and i have collected, with the walkways out of foarmboard with craft stick borders and ladders/stairs. i'm playtesting the layout tomorrow before i add details just in case i need to open it up a bit more. once that is complete, i'll use some texture coats before starting the painting process, but the chrome columns i'm probably going to tape off and leave becasuse i find them cool.
Here is the base layout started:

Here are a couple of shots with my half done Delaque gang running around for scale purposes:

suggestions appreciated.
Seal seal seal seal, and be careful what paints you use! That type of polystyrene melts and disintegrates very easily! Looking great though!
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Heyo! ChapterAquila92 here!

New to the forum but not the site (I've taken a shine to the Gang Manager), I've got something of a trove of minis from multiple armies across many ranges, most of which are still a work in progress.

Warhammer (including Age of Sigmar, 30k, Adeptus Titanicus, Bloodbowl, Necromunda, and Warcry)
Black Seas

For more specific photos, here have been some of my most memorable projects thus far:

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Hello chaps,

Long-time lurker (well for over a year now) and though not new to the hobby I am most definitely new to Necromunda. Have always been fascinated by the setting and the 2018 relaunch made my jumping in something of an inevitability.

I started off with the Dark Uprising set and recently assembled my first gang, one of Palanite Enforcers. I am taking the approach of painting all or most of the figures I am likely to need in the context of a campaign in one go (yep forgot to mention that a large part of the lure of Necromunda lies in gaming campaigns insofar as I am concerned) and hopefully I will have (from my perusal of these forums over the past year) gotten it right. I would appreciate your input mind you as regards figures I possibly forgot to include in said gang.

Here it is, all assembled and primed, ready for a lick of paint.

As you will no doubt note I substituted the original heads with some resin ones from Puppetwar.

I also modelled 3 of them with heavy weapons (plasma gun, heavy flamer and a grenade launcher). I do not want the gang to have unlimited access to heavy weapons so I followed the advice of an old post I found here on the Yak which said that in the old rules the Arbites could take the aforementioned heavy guns plus a heavy stubber. I am trying to source a heavy stubber and will probably add that too (possibly from the Orlock kit). The weapons are from the Imperial Guard command box and my conversions are not the best but they will have to do.

Last but not least I modelled one rogue doc/medic specific to these chaps using the commissar body from the IG command box and the backpack contained therein with Asclepius' sign. The sword arm is not ideal but didn't have any other suitable bits. I will also paint one of his shoulder plates with the red cross sign to emphasize his role on the table.

Well that's it from me, nice to finally come out of lurking and looking forward to any and all input/thoughts you chaps might have to offer.
